So my ass has been hurting for the last three days

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Current Events » So my ass has been hurting for the last three days
I finally decided to go to the ER (urgent care was closed), and found out it's a hemorrhoid. I've always hoped I wouldn't get one, since they sound painful (and are, although it's not horrible pain). Now I'm not sure if this is gonna go away on its own or if I'm going to need it removed.

You guys needed to know this for science. But seriously, what are some remedies for this? I was prescribed a cream but the pharmacy was out of stock today.
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Look, I'm just gonna be blunt with you here. You're going to need a new ass, dude.
I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won.
Trumble posted...
Look, I'm just gonna be blunt with you here. You're going to need a new ass, dude.
My ass is too nice ;_;
Super_Slash posted...
My ass is too nice ;_;
No, you've needed a new ass for ages. The one you've got has had a crack in it for as long as I can remember.
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur
pegusus123456 posted...
No, you've needed a new ass for ages. The one you've got has had a crack in it for as long as I can remember.
Not just a crack, there's a full blown hole.
I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won.
Change your diet and drink more water.
pegusus123456 posted...
No, you've needed a new ass for ages. The one you've got has had a crack in it for as long as I can remember.
And it tends release noxious gasses every now and then.
Paula Wood. My love, my life. 1980-2021
When I have some minor irritation I use some Tucks wipes. They've always been pretty good at helping for me. I always keep them on hand to stop any flare ups before they get worse.

If it does flare up pretty bad, then I use some of the OTC creams(Preparation H, etc.). Sounds like you might be to the point where I would use some sort of cream/ointment, so I'd get that as soon as you could. Check if a different pharmacy has it in stock, if you need to.
This is my boomstick. Retailing for about $109.95, it's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's S-Mart!-Ash
I think I'll try a sitz bath, maybe pick one up from Walmart tomorrow. And my prescription ointment of course.
Current Events » So my ass has been hurting for the last three days