rowling is having a melt down over something

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Current Events » rowling is having a melt down over something

not sure what sparked it but she is clearly melting down

3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Calm down, Joanne
Is it weird that i read the first bit in the tune of Dolly Partons Jolene?
Kremlin delenda est
AceMos posted...
not sure what sparked it but she is clearly melting down
Women are being women and she hates it because she thinks certain women aren't women.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
Joanne needs Valium.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
ROBANN_88 posted...
Is it weird that i read the first bit in the tune of Dolly Partons Jolene?
I did the same, so yes. It's probably weird
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
I didn't realize she'd stopped having a meltdown
She rings like a bell through the night
Yeah, it's all one super big years long meltdown that has slid into holocaust denial and lawsuits for calling her what she is.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
HighSeraph posted...
I didn't realize she'd stopped having a meltdown

Its less that shes having a meltdown and more that she is a meltdown. Its become her entire reason for being.
Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, Joanne
I'm begging of you, please don't take my transwoman
Paid for by StarksPAC, a registered 501(c)(4)
Hey, Rowling? Calm down.
If you're not smart enough to survive, you are basically just food for something smarter.
GranAures posted...
Yeah, it's all one super big years long meltdown that has slid into holocaust denial and lawsuits for calling her what she is.
When did this happen? Even for her that seems a stretch.
Fan of metal? Don't mind covers? Check out my youtube and give me some feedback
reincarnator07 posted...
When did this happen? Even for her that seems a stretch.
she denied trans people where targeted durring the holocaust when it was proven to her she doubled down

then started threatening to sue ppl and forced some people to take down their reports on it
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Must be a day ending in Y.
Nothing to report here
HighSeraph posted...
I didn't realize she'd stopped having a meltdown

I...I shall consume.
Consume...consume everything.
Post #16 was unavailable or deleted.
Aeriis posted...
can you imagine? Being one of the most succesful and wealthy human beings ever, everyone loves and adores you for what you created, changing the world positively, writing about love, empathy and friendship

And then you become... that

Truly baffling. If I became a gazillionaire I wouldn't ever say anything bad to anyone ever because I'd be too busy playing video games on my yacht in Tahiti
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
ROBANN_88 posted...
Is it weird that i read the first bit in the tune of Dolly Partons Jolene?
I did the same thing lol Rams: 7-9
I think we all knew what the meltdown would be about before opening the topic
man - noun. A miserable pile of secrets.
EXAMPLE: What is a man? A miserable little pile of secrets. But enough talk, HAVE AT YOU!
Imagine this fucking rich and being fixated on something that is of no consequence to you.
Mas dicen, que en las dimensiones de nuestro ser... hay muchos detalles por conocer...
Joanne, Joanne, its time to stop, Joanne, shut the fuck up, Joanne, just stop talking forever, Joanne.
Currently playing: Rune Factory 5 (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
She let's making most CE meltdowns look tame
Let's make biscuits!
Has anyone pissed on their own legacy as much as she has?
Rumble Roses. Someone enters the room. Them: O_O Me: What?! I always play games without my pants on!- Inmate 922335
Why is she like this?
Never anything to do in this town.
ROBANN_88 posted...
Is it weird that i read the first bit in the tune of Dolly Partons Jolene?
Nope, I did the same.
Seattle Sounders 1-3-2 5 points
261 Refugee
ROBANN_88 posted...
Is it weird that i read the first bit in the tune of Dolly Partons Jolene?

Same. Lmao

The amount of times I've came across the name 'Joanne' in my life have since doubled just from this topic alone. Holy geez.
S / K / Y / N / E
Vicious_Dios posted...
Same. Lmao

The amount of times I've came across the name 'Joanne' in my life have since doubled just from this topic alone. Holy geez.
its been ignored by every one

even bruce timm seems to have let this one go
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*

Something broke in her brain
She is not sensible.
I guess you could say she's....rowling off the deep end?

Science and Algorithms
i wonder how she'd feel if she knew every employee in Universal Studio's harry potter world treated me in accordance with my gender the other day
waiter! waiter! more yuri please!!
she/her. trans rights
Happy mother's day.
April 15, 2024: The Day the Internet Died
If I had her kind of money I would just fuck off forever. Clearly she needs intense therapy
She took pity on me, horizontally, but most likely because of my band
Are we sure she didnt have a stroke?
I'm the eyehole man. I'm the only one that's allowed to have eyeholes! Get up on outta here with my eyeholes!
Darkfire12 posted...
i wonder how she'd feel if she knew every employee in Universal Studio's harry potter world treated me in accordance with my gender the other day

Just don't tell CyricZ since he'd just call you an Uncle Tom.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
Quorthon109 posted...

Something broke in her brain
seriously what the fuck triggered all this
3 things 1. i am female 2. i havea msucle probelm its hard for me to typ well 3.*does her janpuu dance*
Her life has been one continuous meltdown since about 2018 or so.
You know what, anyone who grew up reading Harry Potter can just fuck all the way off. That includes me.

Just fuck all of us, being suckered into that garbage instead of reading anything from actually good people.
That reminds me; I need to pick up some needles and thread while I'm out today.
The food here is terrible. My steak was so tough it attacked my coffee and the coffee was too weak to defend itself.
Revelation34 posted...
Just don't tell CyricZ since he'd just call you an Uncle Tom.
[teep is] an evil genius who will one day kill us all - Choco
teep is a God damn genius - Zodd
Wtf is wrong with her
I think you're hurting yourself, 'cause you hurt me
Is Julie Bindel pretending to play the part of a woman who is trans in that tweet? Fucking wank.
[click here] pronouns incoming
GrandConjuraton posted...
Wtf is wrong with her
The transphobia mostly. It usually has very odd reactions when somebody is so absorbed in their own self-importance.
teep_ posted...
Yeah, that is one of the silliest things I've seen out of them.
Just because I have 99% of a heart doesn't mean it can't kill me. It's tried. Twice.
My body has a dongle and my heart doesn't care. He/They
Revelation34 can be safely ignored having a notable history of promoting bigotry and misinformation, and probably any other user who names themselves after Christian Bible verses or psalms or whatever, while were on the subject.
[click here] pronouns incoming
GranAures posted...

The transphobia mostly. It usually has very odd reactions when somebody is so absorbed in their own self-importance.

Yeah, that is one of the silliest things I've seen out of them.

I already derailed the thread enough. If you want the screenshot then just PM me.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355, Steam: Kegfarms, Switch: SW-1900-5502-7912
CSCA33 posted...
Is Julie Bindel pretending to play the part of a woman who is trans in that tweet? Fucking wank.

I thought that was a weird exchange. After looking up who Julie Bindel is, it makes more sense.
So glad I hated Julie Bindel before it was fashionable to do so.
Never anything to do in this town.
In case you're wondering how this latest one started, it started here:

Also in case you're not aware, Julie Bindel is one of the most vile transphobes out there, so when SHE has words for Rowling, you know where we are.
CyricZ He/him
Revelation34 posted...
Just don't tell CyricZ since he'd just call you an Uncle Tom.
why the fuck do you post things like this
Hee Ho
Current Events » rowling is having a melt down over something
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