Boy Scouts of America is dead

Current Events

Compsognathus posted...
I'd be curious as to how many of the people rage commenting were/are actively involved in Boy Scouts, because as someone who was super involved for years this change warrants a resounding "okay" out of me. High school me would have fucking loved it. Today, I do recognize that there is value in having spaces to foster healthy male bonding, so I can understand the disappointment in losing Boy Scouts as that sort of venue, especially for boys who don't gravitate for sports. But frankly Boy Scouts wasn't exactly good at in the first place (and the changes to make it good would be considered far more woke than letting girls in) and the alternative to letting everyone join is just shutting down entirely, so that safe male space would be going away regardless. At least this way they can still have an organization kids can join focused on conservation, outdoorsmanship and civic duty.
I was in scouts back then and still am now because of my teenage BIL.

Just to clarify, even though the BSA allows girls, they don't allow mixed troops. The troops are still separated between boys and girls.

philsov posted...
Which the organization started requiring in the early 90s, because they were completely aware of the sexual misconduct and wanted to prevent it going forward. This practice was often referred to as "two deep leadership".
Yup. The requirement is at least two adult leaders(meaning someone who's passed taken the Youth Protection training course, not some random parent) at every event. Also you can't be alone with a scout anywhere for any reason. Either two adults and one scout or two scouts and one adult situation.