Judge fed up with $1000 fines not dettering Trump, threatening with jail now.

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Current Events » Judge fed up with $1000 fines not dettering Trump, threatening with jail now.

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Donald Trump has booked a one-way ticket to jail, and the judge overseeing his ongoing New York criminal trial on Monday said hes ready to send him there at any moment.
New York Supreme Court Justice Juan Merchan started the fourth week of Trumps trial with a speech thats more than a year in the making, explaining why he hasnt yet thrown the politician into the slammermaking what he called his final warning to the former president.
Ill find you in criminal contempt for the tenth time, Merchan said in a stark tone. It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent. Therefore, going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction. Mr. Trump, its important to understand the last thing I want to do is put you in jail. You are the former president of the United States, and possibly the next one as well.
Trump keeps ignoring the judges order forbidding him from speaking publicly about witnesses and jurors in a menacing way, something the former president keeps doing anyway on social media. Merchan last week fined Trump $9,000 for nine separate violations of a previous gag ordera step he only took after making repeated warnings.
But the American public has continued to wonder where this judge will draw a line. At Trumps bank fraud trial last year, a civil judge whose courtroom is just a block away similarly punished the politician several times for ignoring a gag order and continuing to make threats against that judges law clerk. But in that separate case, Justice Arthur F. Engoron kept threatening to send Trump to jail temporarily but never did so.
However, the stakes in Merchans courtroom are much higher. The former president faces 34 felony counts and up to four years in prison. Allowing himor any defendantto threaten witnesses, jurors, court staff, and prosecutors sets a shocking precedent for the countrys justice system.
And thats exactly why Merchan detailed his reasoning during a speech in court Monday morning, explaining the monumental considerations at play when considering whether to be the first judge ever to send a former American president to jail without even waiting for a guilty verdict from a jury.
To take that step would be disruptive to these proceedings I also worry about the people who would have to executive that sanction: the court officers the Secret Service detail and others. I worry about them... Im also aware of concerns about the broader implications of that jail sanction. The magnitude of that decision is not lost on me. But at the end of the day, I have a job to do, and that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system, Merchan said.
Trumps incessant outbursts and violent rhetoric outside the courtroom, Merchan stressed, constitute a direct attack on the rule of law. I cannot allow that to continue. So as much as I do not want to impose that jail sanction... I want you to understand that I will if necessary and appropriate.
Later on Monday Merchan also asked for the first time for an update on when prosecutors planned to wrap their case upto which they responded sometime during the week of May 20.
That means the former presidents first criminal trial will probably last through the entire month of Maykeeping the leading 2024 Republican presidential candidate off the campaign trail longer than hed hoped.

Part of me wants to see it happen but I also think it'd galvanize Trump supporters further and make him sympathetic to fucking idiots who aren't paying attention.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
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lock him up
Almost like this shit serves no purpose unless you're poor.
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Dont threaten, just do it already.
Currently playing: Rune Factory 5 (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
Anyone else would have been locked up by now.
Many Bothans died to bring you this post.
Trump is like that electrical infetterance copypasta except he is not at a grocery store but in court before the judge.
WingsOfGood posted...
Trump is like that electrical infetterance copypasta except he is not at a grocery store but in court before the judge.
Never seen this one
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
if the penalty for a crime is just a fine, then it's only a law for poor people. see: jeff bezos racking up 16k in parking tickets
Donald Trump should not know another day of freedom for the rest of his life.
Taxes, death, and trouble.
Brunt/Gaila 2024. Make Ferenginar Great Again!
And probably the next one as well.

Lmao what a performative dipshit.
He's all alone through the day and night.
How many times is this that hes been threatened with jail time for being in contempt? Trump wont see a single day of prison for this, or for any other reason. This judge is just blowing hot air and has zero interest in, or capability of, trying to hold Trump to any level of accountability.
This will happen
See profile pic
wackyteen posted...
I have a job to do, and that job is to protect the dignity of the judicial system, Merchan said.
The fact that Trump has been allowed to attempt to intimidate witnesses and jurors multiple times and gotten less than $10k in fines says there is no fucking dignity left in the judicial system
A hunter is a hunter...even in a dream
LonelyStoner posted...
And probably the next one as well.

Lmao what a performative dipshit.

Reread what the judge said. It isnt what you typed.
Live action Hungry Hungry Hippos though, now that was a sport. ~Aeon Azuran
$1000 fine wouldn't stop regular civilians from doing shit they'd want to do, why would they think it works on trump?
wackyteen posted...
Part of me wants to see it happen but I also think it'd galvanize Trump supporters further and make him sympathetic to fucking idiots who aren't paying attention.

We really need to move on from "we can't punish chuds for breaking the law because they might get mad and do bad things like break the law." We don't go soft on thieves and murderers because we're scared of upsetting them.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
ironman2009 posted...
$1000 fine wouldn't stop regular civilians from doing shit they'd want to do, why would they think it works on trump?

you think most regular people who go to court have $1000 lying around?


if you can't pay the fine they send you to jail anyway
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
sfcalimari posted...
We really need to move on from "we can't punish chuds for breaking the law because they might get mad and do bad things like break the law." We don't go soft on thieves and murderers because we're scared of upsetting them.

Problem is higher authority judges are probably Chuds. See the Supreme Court.
The American criminal system works by grinding people to a pulp until they essentially submit. It usually does it through expense.

He doesnt care about that and because of who he is, they wont send him to jail. Normal people dont get 10 chances to do what a judge tells them to do. Its wild.
Dakimakura posted...
lock him up

ImAMarvel posted...
Please just fucking throw him in jail already

Lock Trumps fat ass up
I do drawings and stuff
wackyteen posted...
Ill find you in criminal contempt for the tenth time, Merchan said in a stark tone. It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent.
Fool me once, shame on you
Fool me nine or ten times, maybe I'll start thinking about jail
It's just words.

Let's see some action.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
Neoconkers posted...
if the penalty for a crime is just a fine, then it's only a law for poor people. see: jeff bezos racking up 16k in parking tickets
This is why rich pricks that get fined shouldn't get to pay it out of their pocket change.

Instead, they should be obliged to earn 2x the assessed fine via hard labor at prison chain gang rates (the factor of 2 accounting roughly for the taxes these people should pay, but almost never do).
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -- 1984
He already threatened him with jail like 2 weeks ago. Feels like an empty threat and i think the whole worlds knows it. Its a mockery of the justice system that im not sure the country will recover from. Trump is above the law and its a disgrace
"We would have no NBA possibly if they got rid of all the flopping." ~ Dwyane Wade
ImAMarvel posted...
Please just fucking throw him in jail already

This. He should have been arrested on the day he left office.
Re-open board 261.
These "threats" are nothing but a stupid useless farce just like the whole trial is. Trump could murder someone and not face justice.
Fix your hearts or die.
When I sin I sin real good.
I'm not a career criminal, so I'd never be in Trump's position.
To trump thats probably like spending $1
I bought the Taito Egret II Mini just to play puchi carat
I don't want to see Trump after a night in prison with no time to do his hair and makeup before court. You know that fucker is ug-lee under all that shit.
People like Trump don't understand threats. They only understand hard consequences.

Covid was a "hoax" to Trump, right up until he almost lost his life to it.

Send him to jail. Keep him there for as long as you or I would be for committing half the shit he's done.

He'll learn then.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
Bass posted...
Anyone else would have been locked up by now.


I guess they're scared of his zealous fanbase, but they're going to be cultists no matter what.

The issue is not dressing it up as political persecution to the everyman. It's a thin line apparently | |
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
thronedfire2 posted...
you think most regular people who go to court have $1000 lying around?


if you can't pay the fine they send you to jail anyway

you think people are worried about paying $1000 if they want/need to do something bad enough to risk getting caught?

fines are not deterrents no matter how broke or rich you are.
Umbreon posted...
People like Trump don't understand threats. They only understand hard consequences.

Covid was a "hoax" to Trump, right up until he almost lost his life to it.

Send him to jail. Keep him there for as long as you or I would be for committing half the shit he's done.

He'll learn then.
That last part is false, since Trump is incapable of learning anything. But that doesn't matter.

Trump thoroughly deserves to go to jail for contempt of court, and that fact that this would mightily piss off Trump and his deranged barely-human supporters is just a bonus.
"The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command." -- 1984
BewmHedshot posted...
I don't want to see Trump after a night in prison with no time to do his hair and makeup before court. You know that fucker is ug-lee under all that shit.

I'm pretty sure that would qualify as cruel and unusual punishment if he had a cellmate.
"I dreamt I was a moron."
This sounds like the judge is highly biased toward Trump and actively protecting him during a criminal trial
There's a time and place for everything... but not now.
LinkDaLunatic posted...
This sounds like the judge is highly biased toward Trump and actively protecting him during a criminal trial
Nah, I hate it but if he doesn't handle Trump with the most kid of gloves, he knows he'll attract unwanted ire/need to go into witness protection after this is over.

As bull fuck shit as it is, if he had thrown Trump into jail after, say the 3rd time then the right wing media would've took it as Trump being martyred. Giving him so many softballs just allows only the most uninformed to go "wait, but he didn't do anything!"

Some will still say that to stir the pot but at this point the Judge can't keep giving softballs
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
The_Popo posted...
Reread what the judge said. It isnt what you typed.

Especially since the real key words from the judge were
Mr. Trump, the last thing I want to do is put you in jail...

This is just smoke. Basically foreshadowing how the trial will end. Ill happily eat my own words if I am wrong.
XBOX Live Gamertag: DevilAnse33v2
PSN: DevilAnse33
LonelyStoner posted...
And probably the next one as well.

Lmao what a performative dipshit.

Dudes gotta watch his back and try to appear as non biased as possible. Also appealing to Trump's ego seems to be the only way to catch his attention.
Mas dicen, que en las dimensiones de nuestro ser... hay muchos detalles por conocer...
ironman2009 posted...
you think people are worried about paying $1000 if they want/need to do something bad enough to risk getting caught?

fines are not deterrents no matter how broke or rich you are.

then why do fines exist?
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
ironman2009 posted...

fines are not deterrents no matter how broke or rich you are.


absolutely they are, they are literally part of why I make sure not to do certain things
evening main 2.4356848e+91
Guide posted...

absolutely they are, they are literally part of why I make sure not to do certain things


by his logic we might as well eliminate most driving laws
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Guide posted...

absolutely they are, they are literally part of why I make sure not to do certain things

Convenient of you to leave the first half of the post out. If you needed or wanted something bad enough to risk getting caught for, the possibility of a fine wouldn't stop you.

In another topic you said you die for an animal in the heat of the moment, you think you stop and consider something being a fuckin fine? Doubt it.
ironman2009 posted...
Convenient of you to leave the first half of the post out. If you needed or wanted something bad enough to risk getting caught for, the possibility of a fine wouldn't stop you.

In another topic you said you die for an animal in the heat of the moment, you think you stop and consider something being a fuckin fine? Doubt it.

contempt of court is a very specific crime(especially when done via typed out social media posts). you're talking about other heat of the moment stuff people would get arrested for.
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
thronedfire2 posted...
contempt of court is a very specific crime(especially when done via typed out social media posts). you're talking about other heat of the moment stuff people would get arrested for.

contempt of court can easily be a heat of the moment occurrence as well. if somebody is going to run their mouth a fine isn't going to stop them.
ironman2009 posted...
Convenient of you to leave the first half of the post out. If you needed or wanted something bad enough to risk getting caught for, the possibility of a fine wouldn't stop you.

Yeah, but if I don't want or need something that bad, then the possibility of a fine would stop me. It does stop me.

In another topic you said you die for an animal in the heat of the moment, you think you stop and consider something being a fuckin fine? Doubt it.

Your understanding of basic psychology and motivations are oversimplified. Having such a reaction to one category of thing doesn't suddenly mean a person is like that for everything.

evening main 2.4356848e+91
I won't believe this judge is willing to give Trump jail time until he actually does it.
"It is possible to commit no mistakes and still lose. That is not a weakness. That is life."
EPR-radar posted...
This is why rich pricks that get fined shouldn't get to pay it out of their pocket change.

Instead, they should be obliged to earn 2x the assessed fine via hard labor at prison chain gang rates (the factor of 2 accounting roughly for the taxes these people should pay, but almost never do).

Or, to avoid such a needlessly complicated process, make fines based on a percentage of your income and/or current assets. Trump probably wipes his ass with $1000. Now if he were fined $20000 or more each infraction, with it increasing in amount each consecutive fine, that might deter his usual behavior.
Current Events » Judge fed up with $1000 fines not dettering Trump, threatening with jail now.
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