Did your parents push you to be outgoing and join activities growing up?

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My parents never had any rules though about how much time I spent outside or how many sports/clubs I joined. I always wanted to be part of things so there was no need to push me.

I played baseball and basketball in elementary school, in the local youth league. I was a waterboy for the varsity football team 6th grade and full time manager for the middle school team that year. In 7th and 8th, I ran track, played basketball, and played on the middle school football team.

In high school, I ran varsity cross county and jv basketball for two years. I lost interest in the sports teams though by my junior year and stopped. I still played backyard and pickup sports a lot though.

I did cub scouts. We stopped having a troop and there was no local boy scouts. I was secretary of high school club two years and its president my senior year.

I still need lots of alone time and I loved video games. So I did phase out activities by the end of high school. It was too much and it ran my batteries down. I still like people and going out, but my energy and interests changed as an adult. I am less social and more independent now. Work and life stress and obligations make me not want to do things with my free time lol. It was easy to find time as a kid when I had no obligations and I had limitless energy.
You know how fads are. Today it's brains, tomorrow, pierced tongues. Then the next day, pierced brains.
-Jane Lane