47% of US Voters Believe Campuses Should Ban Pro-Palestinian Protests

Current Events

Kradek posted...
It's honestly pretty disgusting how quick this country is to latch onto the "let's be more mad at the people who are mad at injustices & inequality than about the actual injustice & inequality" argument.

It starts with right-wingers, who have always demonized these groups in regards to Vietnam, Civil Rights, Unions, police brutality (BLM most recently), anti-GWB war protestors. Our media legitimizes their narratives and propaganda, which over time leads to the general society internalizing it as well. Our media played the largest role for getting us into Iraq and continuing the GWB war machine's support.

I sadly expect this 47% to rise as the GOP and our mainstream media turns these "anti-genocide" protests into "anti-Israeli/Jew" protests.
If it's any consolation, the protestors will be remembered as being on the right side of history years later, just as they were every other time you mentioned.
As the morning sun rises, my lingering memories fade. I no longer see your silhouette. It's too far gone into the haze.