So in Kingdom Hearts how many versions of "Sora" exist? *spoilers*

Current Events

Baha05 posted...
It would technically be just two to four

Data Sora

Sora and Data Sora are obviously the original and a Data replica.

Roxas would be Soras Nobody so technically part Sora and Xion has her own connection to Sora.

Ventus and Vanitas are their own beings though with how connections work Vens looks managed to shape Roxas and vice versus Sora shapes Vanitus.


Just because some have a deep connection to Sora or have spent time inside literally inside his heart doesn't make them part of Sora. Roxas, Data Sora and Xion are the exception, they explicitly are Sora's.

Roxas is Sora's body.

Data Sora is well obvious.

Xion is a puppet created from Sora's memories, mostly his memories of Kairi.

Now, none of them are fully Sora, they grew and became their own beings in the end but they all are part of Sora in some pretty direct manner.

Ventus, Vanitas and Namine? Closely connected to Sora in very profound ways but not technically a literal part of Sora.
The commercial says that Church isn't for perfect people, I guess that's why I'm an atheist.