Why do hardcore gamers hate casuals so much?

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Euripides posted...
Sure, but to say that "Back in the old days, most games were made for hardcore gamers" is just patently false
It's patently not.

Before the SNES, games were deliberately made obscenely hard. It was a deliberate design choice to artificially prolong playtime, because memory restrictions meant the games had to be smaller. Ao, you make the small game difficult to make sure the customer gets their dollar per hour money's worth.

And even on the SNES, it took a while for game deaign to catch up with the improved tech.

Games on average were absolutely harder. Of course that's not a universal rule; Elmo's Number World was only ever gonna be what it was. But on average, games were absolutely harder.
Doesn't take a lot of brains to be a good fighter.