List of anime that I have rated 10/10

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ssb_yunglink2 posted...
holy shit somebody whos actually watched one outs

I started watching it the other day and its so good for something ive never heard anyone talk about

One Outs is fucking amazing and I totally recommend it to anyone who hasn't seen it, but I can understand why it's not talked about much. It's a baseball anime and a gambling anime, neither of which are all that popular in the west compared to Japan. It's a show from 2008, not old enough for 90's and early 00's nostalgia but also not new enough to have aired on modern streaming services. And on top of that, it currently has no legal way to stream it, so you have to find an old out-of-print physical release or use "less than legal means" to watch it.

I would love for HiDive to pull One Outs out of licensing hell and give it an English dub like they recently did with another gambling-focused anime, Kaiji.