RFK Jr. Candidacy Hurts Trump Far More Than Biden

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CoyoteTheGreat posted...
By all means, don't trust the polls (Though at this point, I think the polls are mostly bought up by Republicans to flood them with overly optimistic estimates to push the great lie about voter fraud for the next cycle). The thing is though, I think you are misunderstanding the conservative movement. It exists to grift money. RFK Jr. isn't trying to help Trump, he is trying to grift money from donors. And because of that, he isn't mysteriously dropping out the moment it has become clear to everyone that he is actually pulling more Republican voters than Democrats. Republicans will happily fuck each other over if it means the money comes to them. They are capitalists first and ideologues second. Like, you can see it down the line with every part of their party. Look at their megachurch pastors. They might actually believe the bullshit they are preaching, or they might not, but the one thing they definitely believe in is the gospel of prosperity.
What theyve become fond of doing is flooding the zone with bullshit polls then using those results to win an aggregate poll by a slightly more reputable pollster.
Moustache twirling villian
https://i.imgur.com/U3lt3H4.jpg- Kerbey