Welp I finished Avatar the Last Airbender (the cartoon) (spoilers)

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Doe posted...
Ummm, probably not. For one, there's just so much other stuff to watch nowadays and I'm not sure I want to commit to it right after this. I've also heard mixed things, not just about that show but about how it depicts A:tLA characters later in their lives.

Actually, I just don't hear good things about Korra. Besides the vaguest "1/3/4 are good 2 sucks" or something like that. But I've never seen people talk about liking the themes or plot or even describing them, just problems they have with characters or world building.

I'm not ruling it out but I definitely want a break before more avatar.
Just my 2 cents.

The Legend of Korra as a standalone series isn't bad. But as a continuation, sequal or whatever to Avatar the Last Airbender..... it took a massive shit on the original series and smeared it all over.
