Welp I finished Avatar the Last Airbender (the cartoon) (spoilers)

Current Events

Aang is 112 and Katar is 15.

Shit's fucked yo!

sarcasm, duh

Regarding the Legend of Korra, I personally enjoyed the series greatly. The setting is absolutely gorgeous and most of the characters are worthy additions to the franchise. Season 2 is definitely "weaker" than the others because it is much less action oriented and its conflict is much different than the terrorism that defines most series antagonists BUT it's indisputably significant for setting up the events that happen in seasons 3 & 4, plus there are a couple of amazing episodes that singularly stand out. Korra is a MUCH different character from Aang, but that's part of the reason that I think her journey is worth watching.

I just think that if people enjoyed AtLA, then AtLoK is worth checking out despite what internet toxicity would have you believe about the series.