do u ever look on JoJo's Bizarre Adventure and mourn *some spoilers*

Current Events

Part 8 is a mess. I still don't get why the Rock Men can't coexist with the humans but that they're a bunch of greedy dudes getting killed off one at a time. Jo2ske S&W stand power was incredibly unique, but at some point it just does whatever is convenient to win. The main baddy's stand was so cheap that Araki had to, once again, invent some kind of Deus Ex Machina to beat it you see the soap bubbles aren't actually bubbles, but it's the SPIN from Part 7! The story was also interesting...until all the mystery was gone and it became "gimme da fruit" story. Part 8 was also the biggest wasted potential for the side characters (Yasuho being the biggest offender) because Jo2ske basically stole all the spotlight. The Higashikata family barely did anything and any feats they did with their stands felt lame. Araki did a disservice to himself introducing Rai too late to the story. Overall the arc felt very unsatisfying, something I can't say when comparing it to the other Jojo arcs. I'm hopefuly Part 9 will be able to fix it.