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"College is an education in bullshit"

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Current Events » "College is an education in bullshit"
The nicest thing that can be said about college as an institution is that it gives the kids able to afford it an appropriately sheltered place to live out their prime criminal years in an environment where they will not be as harshly prosecuted for their various youthful hijinks as they would be if they were not in college. The not nice thing that can be said about college as an institutionat least as it exists in Americais that it is one of the most distilled expressions of the rot at the heart of how this country chooses to function: Take a public good (higher education), have Republicans choke its public financing, privatize it, make the ability of people to have a decent life dependent upon buying it, and then run it like a business, in the sense of creating lavish tiers for very rich customers and inflating prices to extortionate levels and attacking labor and climbing happily into bed with some of the most sociopathic billionaires the world has ever produced.

While there are legitimately important stories to be told about elite colleges and universitiesin particular their sly inclusion in the class war in the form of the adjunctification of their faculty and the way that they function to groom a superficially diverse cast of young people for their roles as the next generation of class war overseers at McKinsey and Wall Street and the halls of politicsthose are not the stories that most cultural commentators like to tell about them. Instead we get an obsessive and frankly bizarre focus on the rhetorical and political and fashion choices of a bunch of 20 year olds, who are held up as the collective Children of Omelas that all of society can come together to crucify so that sad adults can feel better about themselves. This weird tic, which pervades the media like an infectious disease, means that college does serve one more useful function: If you listen to people talk about it you can very quickly tell who is not worth listening to at all.

It is very easy to be annoyed by college kids. After all, they are young and healthy and have their whole lives ahead of them and the rest of us have already chosen our dreary paths, which we regret. Arithmetic tells you that college students have not had as many years to learn things as older people have had, and sometimes they act with the brashness and overconfidence of youth. This is a trivial observation about the nature of the human lifespan. It is not a weighty subject for political commentary. To the extent that any writer or politician or intellectual treats it as a matter that rises to the level of public importance, or, more absurdly, that reflects some new sociological trend that has not been present for the past several thousand years, the commentator in question is at best a fool and at worst a fraud. If you were to take the five hundred members of the US media who talk about college campuses the most and cast them all into the sea, the overall quality of our national discourse would rise significantly, because at least it would contain a lower amount of pure, goading distraction.
College campuses are little bubbles that exist outside of the real world. That is, of course, how they are designed. Getting mad at college kids for this fact, in the form of criticizing them for being sheltered, is sort of an upscale version of getting mad at prison inmates for being in prison. We put them there! Thats where they they are! What else are they supposed to do? Political protests on college campuses are set pieces, yes, but that is a very deliberate result that was engineered not by college students but by their institutions. To whatever extent college kids are able to break out of the comfortable trap of campus activism and connect their protests to the wider world, I salute them. As should we all.
Seen from this perspective, the protest encampments in support of Gaza that are sweeping elite college campuses across the nationand being ruthlessly crushed by riot cops at the same rateare valuable arenas of political education, more valuable than anything those kids will learn in the classroom. These experiences will teach these kids some of the most important truths they will need to know to accurately assess the way that America operates: That the polished people in charge of things are often merciless dictators at heart; That awful atrocities will be tolerated as soon as they can be ignored; That one millimeter beneath the smile of the boss lurks gritted teeth and a determination to call the cops to break your head open if you dont listen. To have young people set out to protest the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians and then be met by hysterical repression from the same institutions that have been tasked with making them good citizens is one of the best lessons I can imagine. It is an act of wiping off the makeup to reveal the pig beneath. We wouldnt want that pig to be concealed forever, would we?
Just as important as the tear gas and the billy clubs and the administrations cancelling their graduation ceremonies are the words of those condemning the college kids for doing all of this. All of those wordsfrom the somber cable news hosts pretending to fret about chaos, from the insincere lobbyists trying to smear human rights as antisemitism, from the once-friendly politicians afraid to embrace obvious moral judgments due to the naked demands of empire, from the university administrators who turn from gentle friends to militant gremlins when the invisible line into actual disruption is crossedreveal the contours of the bullshit that envelops all of this. We send kids to college to learn, but not to understand; to become independent, but not independent minded; to become responsible, as long as that sense of responsibility does not extend to everyone else in the world. Sometimes, something so bad happens that it causes an uprising that breaks the whole facade. Vietnam was that for my parents generation, and Gaza is that now, and there will be other things to come. The people who think that this is all wrong just show that they never really understood what education is in the first place.

Education is vital. College is dumb. A fabulously expensive ticket to the middle class that is lorded over by middle managers who love giving speeches in goofy gowns, and take their orders from hedge fund managers who have sucked their fortunes out of the pockets of the working class and splash their names on campus buildings like two-year-olds declaring themselves the King of the World. The ability to make a good living in the higher ed industry is inversely proportional to the amount you actually care about education. Universities are, at best, a grand sorting ground that divides those who can and cannot see through bullshit. Im sorry that a lot of kids may get kicked in the teeth in coming weeks to learn this. But the adults who arent smart enough to see that the kids are right are a much, much greater tragedy.
Have you tried thinking rationally?
Post #2 was unavailable or deleted.
Why would I read that wall of bullshit?
I'm not reading all that
Lancool II | Z690 Tomahawk |12700K | Fuma 2 | RTX 3070Ti | 16GB
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Stopped reading when they said students live out their prime criminal years in college.
No lollygaggin'.
tl;dr but it really is.

Why the hell did I have to take four English classes and two history classes, which were all dumbed down rehashes of classes I took as a damn freshman in high school...

for an engineering degree ?

Basically one in three, maybe two classes were what I actually wanted to study and the rest were irrelevant bullshit.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
tl;dr but it really is.

Why the hell did I have to take four English classes and two history classes, which were all dumbed down rehashes of classes I took as a damn freshman in high school...

for an engineering degree ?

Basically one in three, maybe two classes were what I actually wanted to study and the rest were irrelevant bullshit.

sounds like college wasn't for you
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
tl;dr but it really is.

Why the hell did I have to take four English classes and two history classes, which were all dumbed down rehashes of classes I took as a damn freshman in high school...

for an engineering degree ?

Basically one in three, maybe two classes were what I actually wanted to study and the rest were irrelevant bullshit.

Your experience didn't match mine. I went for basically engineering, technically an architect, but I had no English classes. Every single class I took seemed at least somewhat related to the profession, if not clearly central. Few of them were basic enough to even possibly be taught to high school students unless they were in advanced classes late in high school after building up to it through earlier courses.

Did you go to Trump University?
I'm not here for friends. I'm here for the truth to the best of my knowledge of it, even if it's not what people want to hear.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
tl;dr but it really is.

Why the hell did I have to take four English classes and two history classes, which were all dumbed down rehashes of classes I took as a damn freshman in high school...

for an engineering degree ?

Basically one in three, maybe two classes were what I actually wanted to study and the rest were irrelevant bullshit.

eh it's good to have knowledge of other fields. They let us choose what our English class was about, and I learned a good deal about film in mine.
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
-Misattributed to CS Lewis
pjnelson posted...
Your experience didn't match mine. I went for basically engineering, technically an architect, but I had no English classes. Every single class I took seemed at least somewhat related to the profession, if not clearly central. Few of them were basic enough to even possibly be taught to high school students unless they were in advanced classes late in high school after building up to it through earlier courses.

Did you go to Trump University?

You didn't have to take pre reqs your first couple years? I don't belive you.

And exactly this

Whiterun_Guard_ posted...
Stopped reading when they said students live out their prime criminal years in college.

Cookin like a chef, I'm a 5 Star Michelin
Squall28 posted...
eh it's good to have knowledge of other fields. They let us choose what our English class was about, and I learned a good deal about film in mine.
That's nice.

I got to study Great the hell Expectations for the THIRD DAMN TIME.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
That's nice.

I got to study Great the hell Expectations for the THIRD DAMN TIME.
Im convinced the books English curriculums make students read are actively designed to make the populace hate reading. As a reader who hates all that shit, it offends me.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
That's nice.

I got to study Great the hell Expectations for the THIRD DAMN TIME.

yeah kinda glad I didn't have to read Dickens after HS lol
You can't go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending.
-Misattributed to CS Lewis
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
That's nice.

I got to study Great the hell Expectations for the THIRD DAMN TIME.
Sounds like bad college curricula.

I have had to take generic English/Communication classes. None of them required reading actual novels and writing analytic essays on them. They were all moreso focused on how to build arguments, analyze others' arguments, and how to properly and quickly assess and incorporate sources with proper citation.

The kind of stuff you need to do in the real world usually anyway.
RS3: UltimaSuende - CE Thread Zone
PraetorXyn posted...
Im convinced the books English curriculums make students read are actively designed to make the populace hate reading. As a reader who hates all that shit, it offends me.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
Whiterun_Guard_ posted...
Stopped reading when they said students live out their prime criminal years in college.
I mean it is true that 18-22 is like peak getting into trouble with the law time.
Have you tried thinking rationally?
This is all true. The most useful thing about college is that it gives some people a time outside of work to read and experience useful things. The college kids protesting now are learning that and seeing things that the people criticizing them refuse to see.

People who go to college and don't learn anything about society, who never learn how to think and simply parrot back received knowledge, that's worse for society in many ways than people not going to college, because they end up thinking they learned something and earned something. That's exactly why conservatives and neoliberals want to turn school into yet another market and ban defund liberal arts or any form of education that could conceivably encourage people to challenge the status quo or even be aware of what it actually is.
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.
Seen from this perspective, the protest encampments in support of Gaza that are sweeping elite college campuses across the nationand being ruthlessly crushed by riot cops at the same rateare valuable arenas of political education, more valuable than anything those kids will learn in the classroom. These experiences will teach these kids some of the most important truths they will need to know to accurately assess the way that America operates: That the polished people in charge of things are often merciless dictators at heart; That awful atrocities will be tolerated as soon as they can be ignored; That one millimeter beneath the smile of the boss lurks gritted teeth and a determination to call the cops to break your head open if you dont listen. To have young people set out to protest the deaths of tens of thousands of civilians and then be met by hysterical repression from the same institutions that have been tasked with making them good citizens is one of the best lessons I can imagine. It is an act of wiping off the makeup to reveal the pig beneath. We wouldnt want that pig to be concealed forever, would we?

Just as important as the tear gas and the billy clubs and the administrations cancelling their graduation ceremonies are the words of those condemning the college kids for doing all of this. All of those wordsfrom the somber cable news hosts pretending to fret about chaos, from the insincere lobbyists trying to smear human rights as antisemitism, from the once-friendly politicians afraid to embrace obvious moral judgments due to the naked demands of empire, from the university administrators who turn from gentle friends to militant gremlins when the invisible line into actual disruption is crossedreveal the contours of the bullshit that envelops all of this.
At least read this I think it is astute
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
They make some decent points regarding protesting and such, but this article is painted with way too broad a stroke.

This person mustve had a really bad college experience or something, because my college wasnt ludicrously expensive, and taught me a ridiculous amount both from classes and just living there.
Hee Ho
I've never met a smart person who thinks it was dumb we had to take classes outside of our major
There are some things where I just bypass critical thinking. - ROD
Hinakuluiau posted...
I've never met a smart person who thinks it was dumb we had to take classes outside of our major
Also this. Some of the experiences and lessons that have impacted me most were from the classes that had very little if nothing to do with my major.

Hee Ho
Hinakuluiau posted...
I've never met a smart person who thinks it was dumb we had to take classes outside of our major
You still haven't. But that doesn't change the fact that I'm passionate about this.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
tl;dr but it really is.

Why the hell did I have to take four English classes and two history classes, which were all dumbed down rehashes of classes I took as a damn freshman in high school...

for an engineering degree ?

Basically one in three, maybe two classes were what I actually wanted to study and the rest were irrelevant bullshit.
If your college classes are dumbed down compared to fucking freshman high school classes you should be questioning where you went to college.

Hee Ho
I won't go as far as to say I could have wrote this myself, but I do agree that college is dumb. It was for me, anyway.
I'm not reading that
Op has nothing original to say
Intro2Logic posted...
You didn't even read this LOL
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
tl;dr but it really is.

Why the hell did I have to take four English classes and two history classes, which were all dumbed down rehashes of classes I took as a damn freshman in high school...

for an engineering degree ?

Basically one in three, maybe two classes were what I actually wanted to study and the rest were irrelevant bullshit.
Because you attended a university which is supposed to make you somewhat well rounded instead of focusing on a single thing only
Roll Tide & Go Irish
Alright so explain something to me. I thought the whole K-12 system was supposed to get you to be "well rounded" and that college was explicitly where you went to specialize. Where's the disconnect between this perception and the actual reality of all you edumacated folk?

I can't fucking stand that "edumacated" not only doesn't trigger spellcheck, googling it also brings up a definition.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
KajeI posted...
Alright so explain something to me. I thought the whole K-12 system was supposed to get you to be "well rounded" and that college was explicitly where you went to specialize. Where's the disconnect between this perception and the actual reality of all you edumacated folk?
Bruh public school literally just pushes you through with no regard to actually learning. Texas public schools taught me lost cause narrative.

If i didnt go to college id be like half the person i am now
Hee Ho
KajeI posted...
I can't f***ing stand that "edumacated" not only doesn't trigger spellcheck, googling it also brings up a definition.
This just made my whole damn day.
There's a difference between canon and not-stupid.
PraetorXyn posted...
Im convinced the books English curriculums make students read are actively designed to make the populace hate reading.

I still read but I'm still bitter from the way English/reading classes are taught. They take away enjoyment of reading. Both the way that it's taught to analyze boring details (instead of just ya know...enjoying it) and the books they pick.
There are a ton of misconceptions about recycling. Learn how to better at recycling:
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Bruh public school literally just pushes you through with no regard to actually learning. Texas public schools taught me lost cause narrative.

If i didnt go to college id be like half the person i am now
I mean yes, the k-12 system is absolute dogshit, but I've still never heard that college is supposed to make you well rounded outside of the context of it potentially forcing someone to leave their little pond.

RetuenOfDevsman posted...
This just made my whole damn day.
"Glad" to be of service.
Look, I can name a few instances in MY life where I tried to reach mutual understanding
and i can TELL you, always faster and easier to just kill em. Just is!
K-12 is there to a) teach to the test and b) socially engineer you to be a cog in the capitalist machine

College is where you actually learn how to learn
Post #35 was unavailable or deleted.
KajeI posted...
college was explicitly where you went to specialize.
Tech/trade schools are where you go to specialize. Im genuinely not sure where you got the idea thats what college was for. College is continuing education and a fancy piece of paper, and the education part is only as useful as you can afford and what you get out of it.

As to general discussion, people have different experiences and different definitions of affordable. Not everyone had the privilege of being able to go to prestigious universities, and theres no shame in that. Anyone who endured educational institutions to further their knowledge and improve their future deserves recognition in my opinion.
No matter our origin, we are all one family, we all share one planet, and we all need to feel loved and accepted. We are more alike than different.
I really love that the people that refuse to read it are those who would agree with it the most
........the ghost in the machine...
IGN: Fox, FC: 5344-2646-0982
Our world is built on bullshit.
Current Events » "College is an education in bullshit"