what are some of the better AI image generators that people here use?

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like whatever ones people use to post the Elsa reaction pics and stuff. or actually maybe ones that can do more cartoony like "clipart" style graphics? and hopefully that are free to use. i'm thinking i want to try to use one to come up with a mock-up of the logo i'm designing for the small food business i'm going to be launching soon.

i had a meeting with the guy who operates the commissary kitchen i'm probably going to be making my mini cheesecakes out of, and one thing i asked him is if he knows any graphic designers or artists that i would be able to commission to do my logo, and he referred me to someone who sounds promising. so i want to have a kind of rough depiction of what i want the logo to be like that i can show her, and she can take it from there.

i was trying to whip something up with just free clipart i found online, but the only graphical editing software i have access to right now is regular MSPaint, since paint.net which i had been using does not work with my OS anymore, and trying to figure out how to i'm gonna go about upgrading my PS on my PC has been a headache. i'm hopefully gonna be buying a cheap laptop with Windows 11 on it soon, but until then, i want to be able to do something in the way of designing a prototype logo.

tl;dr i need recommendations for an AI image generator (preferably free) that can do cartoony or clipart style graphics.
It don't matter. None of this matters.