My gaming pet peeve: Misuse of the phrase "Skill Ceiling"

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blackrider76 posted...
Pyro airblasting is low ceiling?
Getting good at airblast isn't too hard, honestly. The skill it takes fluctuates based on your opponent, and while advanced tech like reflect-jumping exists, the current mechanics make it highly impractical as you simply take too much damage. Thus it doesn't contribute much to overall effectiveness despite being difficult to do.

blackrider76 posted...
Id say Medic and Engie are the lowest skill floors. Their higher skill ceilings are mostly for Ubersaw or Frontier Justice variants.
Medic definitely has the lowest floor of the 9 since any healing is good healing. But counting enemy uber, landing arrows, and general heal spread is hard so the ceiling is pretty high.

Engineer requires a minimum awareness to building placement that puts him a bit higher on the skill floor effectiveness chart.

blackrider76 posted...
Huntsman Sniper is honestly pretty low skill floor too, as a Huntsman main myself.
I wouldn't say /pretty/ low. Lower than stock sniper sure but being effective at the huntsman still requires a minimum level of competence above some other classes.

blackrider76 posted...
I would hesitate to call Heavy low anything either, given how theyre prime Sniper/Spy fodder.
heavy is mechanically low-skill. tracking, positioning, and jump-revving are the upper end of his toolkit. Doesn't take much mechanical skill to execute heavy to a competent degree, and there's not much higher he can go than that.

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