If existential fear won't get you to vote against Trump, then nothing will.

Current Events

FortuneCookie posted...
Not to change the subject, but do you honestly believe a vote will stop fascism?

We have individuals who want to see all Asian people, Black people, gay people, Hispanic people, Jewish people, and trans people wiped out or relegated to indentured servitude. But they'll walk away if they lose the vote.

It seems a bit like saying that Hitler would have stuck to painting if he'd lost a coin toss.

Do I think a single vote will magically result in world peace? No. I do, however, believe that every vote counts and voting is an important step in stopping fascism.

There's a reason fascist try their hardest to prevent people from voting.

Even Hitler himself stated that the Nazi party would have never taken off if people had utterly opposed it from the very start.

But if people didn't have enough uh 'motivation' to do so...

I don't think any of the Holocaust victims would look fondly on the people who could have stopped it but didn't because they just didn't feel like it.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)