If existential fear won't get you to vote against Trump, then nothing will.

Current Events

nekrodev posted...
Okay, well, you still have to convince the rest of the flood, even if you got me, so....again, it's just a matter of math.

So, being realistic - you're not going to be able to flip the amount of people you need in solid red states, you're going to have to bring in new voters. You also need those voters to be on your side - which presumably, will probably wash out about the same as the people already voting, meaning you need to get at least HALF (in my state, the example i used) of unregistered voters to not only vote, but vote for your guy.

You're about as likely to change that as I am to convince any of you how pointless it is lmao

If you can be convinced, so can others. You say it's a matter of math, yet you don't seem to understand that math is a changing of numbers.

Will SC turn blue this election? Probably not. But if it gets closer and closer, that can eventually lead to something. Hell, SC has been blue before. If you say it's impossible you're already proven wrong.

It won't be likely or easy, but it's still possible.

But if you stay on the fence, you're contributing to the flood. Every line, every excuse, every justification you can offer has been used by every other fence sitter.

Imagine if no one brought into the "It's not my responsibility" line.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)