Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

Current Events

Shadow_Don posted...

The fuck are you even talking about?

And Bernie himself was pleading for people to vote Hillary and Biden in order to stop trump. I guess he was being "alarmist"

I'm referring to how Bernie complained about money in politics, corporate welfare, a weakening social safety net, warmongering, waves of people losing their health coverage during a national pandemic because it was tied to jobs lost during lockdown, destructive voting records, etc. but people just collectively decided his complaints weren't serious enough to justify a political revolution.

Alarmism is relative. If a specific person doesn't care about an issue or is focused on another one then any complaint may come off as alarmist to them. I don't mean to downplay anyone's concerns from an objective perspective. I'm simply saying increasing amounts of people are not caring, regardless of the legitimacy of the message sent to them.
~ DH ~