Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

Current Events

legendary_zell posted...
How's that been working out for you? Have you convinced anyone that way?

I take you didn't read my post from the last topic. It's not my job to coddle idiots that "need to be swayed" to vote against fascism. If people need their vote "earned" to vote against fascism, then they weren't going to vote for it anyway. You can't seem to wrap around that I haven't ever tried to convince anyone of anything. I'm merely admonishing apathy that has already ruined lives through conservative pull.

legendary_zell posted...
You accuse me of vanity and then say shit like this? It's absurd.

What's absurd is acting like there's a choice between Trump and Biden. Don't see you criticizing them, though. Hmm. Wonder why that is?

legendary_zell posted...
You only see what you want to see, you think repeating the same message louder and with more condescension will somehow make people see the error of their ways.

I see that Trump winning is the end of actual democracy. Everything I say is from that perspective. I'm sorry you don't like it.
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