Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

Current Events

LightningThief posted...
Nah, I'll still be calling a spade a spade.

Believing what they believe doesn't change what it is.

I think right wingers love America like they claim they do in their twisted way. That doesn't change the love for a piece of cloth and song over the actual vets is also something I'd call, virtue signalling.

Those people believing in what they believe is irrelevant.

Although to be clear, those claiming to believe what they believe also tends to breed bad faith actors in thr mix as well.

It sure seems to be highly relevant, that's why you and Pelosi etc keep trying to accuse us of supporting Trump. You can't keep doing that, then claim it doesn't matter what we believe. You couldn't even help yourself in this post.

" You just conveniently ignore the literal users who have a history of saying "both candidates are the same", "it doesn't matter which candidate wins" and happily promote voters staying home in roundabout ways.

We have literal users who are doing that and this has been pointed out in over several topics. Like always when pointed out, you conveniently have selective reading its happening.

This isn't the first time this has been discussed on this board, and the usual are well knows by now on making this a single issue vote."
Straight from a post or 2 ago. This is not the first time those people have been pointed out to you. Like always, you selectively ignore them and claim there isn't people here who, "claim both sides are the same, and it doesn't matter who wins 2024", and you ignore the user's who happily float/defend/promote not voting in 2024.

I just went through and read every post in this topic. Every single person who doesn't agree with you is saying they want Biden to change his mind. No one has advocated voting against Biden or actually withholding votes. At most, people are expressing their personal dissatisfaction with a president that they believe is committing an atrocity. No matter what you do, you will not be able to get them to stop and you harm your cause by trying.

What you are taking issue with is strong efforts to actually push him to change or people acknowledging the depths of how awful the current policy is. You take that as roundabout attempts to push people to not vote for Biden. That's your perception, not reality.

Biden or Trump is going to win. This is an inescapable reality. The ones happily promoting left leaning voters to not vote, are objectively helping Trump. There's no dodging that. Anyone willing to not vote, telling others to note vote, or constantly spreading the great word why you may not vote, is indeed virtue signalling. As such an act is in the long run hurting the people they claim to care about far more. That includes, LGBT, abortion/women's rights, and so much more. Including their one issue cause, Palestinians and Muslims as their pro protest non vote hurts those Muslims and Palestinians here in the United States too. So yes, it's virtue signalling to ignore said reality that is inescapable to say or promote or defend, "don't vote" if you lean left, and risk fucking over groups of people even harder if Trump wins.

Again, there are users on this board who literally flirt/defend/promote left leaning voters and swing voters to stay home because of Palestine. Essentially the one issue voters angle. You just conveniently ignore them every topic as this has been pointed out before.

There's more than one issue on the table that affects even the people you claim to care about. More issues that affects even Muslims and Palestinians here in the United States. But you ignore that, for clear reasons. So your "moral courage" angle is bs.

I have never once ignored the other issues. There's countless existential issues at stake for Americans. By urging people to ignore the ongoing genocide, rather than exercise political power to stop it, you're merely hoping for the best and putting all those other issues at risk. If you want people to vote for Biden, you should be doing your best to make Biden better, not hectoring us. That's the only safe outcome here. Browbeating people into ignoring genocide is a losing battle, and a battle that blackens you, Biden, the Democratic Party, and America. Even if it did work, which there's no guarantee it would. If we're going to be taking big risks with the electorate, why not shade that risk in favor of doing the right thing?
I gotta be righteous, I gotta be me, I gotta be conscious, I gotta be free, I gotta be able, I gotta attack, I gotta be stable, I gotta be black.