Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

Current Events

ClayGuida posted...
Not really. Republicans have openly flouted just nuking gaza.
Stupid republicans can talk about that all they want, but that would never happen, not only because of the geopolitical ramifications, but also because israel is right there and would be eating the fallout so they wouldn't allow it. Even if the blast and fallout could be entirely contained within Gaza, they wouldn't allow it because israel wants that land for themselves.

superbot400 posted...
The point is that Biden and Trump is that

Replubcians ads Hard line pro Israel. They do not care about anything in the Middle East.

Where as Dems softly support Israel. But they do listen to criticism about Israel and do believe in two state land policy.

Remember Bibi wants replubcian to win because there will be no criticism towards from the USA.

I wouldn't call this "soft support":

The two state proposal is a carrot hung in front of Palestinians that will never actually be given to them. It's a delay and pacify tactic that doubles as a cover for all the actions that the US takes directly against that goal, so they can claim "we tried!!" It's complete bullshit and it's strange that anyone believes the US is sincere in this stance. - -