Anyone else terrified of debt because of family history?

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archizzy posted...
Nope. While I understand what you are saying and I go out of my way to avoid debt I never hesitated when buying a house to take on a mortgage. But I have pretty much paid for everything in cash in life just because my dad taught me to be responsible with money and not live off credit. But he actually had me take out a loan on my first vehicle rather than but in cash to establish credit.

i was raised very smartly when it came to financial decisions. Identifying needs vs wants, prioritizing responsibilities and bills. How to build wealth. Learned this from a young age.

Now Im 48 and sitting damn good. Own my home outright and have for years. No mortgage, no vehicle payment, legitimately about as perfect as you can get credit rating if I need it.

But I am really frugal. Its not a fear of debt, just I hate wasting money. Outside of required monthly bills I legitimately have spent less than $100 out of pocket in the last 12 months. Last spring I bought a video game and last November I bought 4 books. Thats it. Seriously.

I go months and months and months and never spend a penny outside of my required monthly bills. Im an extreme saver. But not out of fear.

This is what I never got. I love my parents, I have a wealth of so many experiences in life because of them. But I swear, I only really understood the purpose of a credit card at the age of 32.

I'm 36 now and only starting to build wealth. Its a little maddening, but I guess now is better than never.
CE's Resident Scotsman.