Anyone else terrified of debt because of family history?

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pinky0926 posted...
My parents basically blew the chance of a very easy life by being really fucking stupid with money. Dad could have been a multi millionaire by now but is sitting on literally nothing.

And my older brother figured out that if he maxed out as many credit cards as possible by the age of 25 then he could just act like money is monopoly money. What even is debt anyway? 5 figures, 6 figures - who cares? It's just several hundred dollars in minimum payments per month foe the rest of your life...

So now I'm basically allergic to debt. Even good debt. I can barely justify a mortgage or a car. Instead I live out of a suitcase at net zero. The most debt I've ever been in was 4k and that wasn't even for me. I'm only just now at the age of 36 learning how to invest and grow wealth.
sad, any of them filed for bankruptcy?