What changes can be made to GameFAQs to increase interest in the site?

Current Events

Incorporating AI would be a good move to help users search and add in new content.

FUCK no!

Thats one of the things they have done right. A makeover would kill the remaining interest in this place.

This precisely. Allowing small avatars might be tolerable, but nothing beyond that.

Bleuets posted...
I would love to see the return of a summer contest again.
BlueTigerLion posted...
Yea. Since Fandom took over there hasn't been one of those greatest game ever contests. That was something that brought traffic to the site. And had people outside of it talking about GameFAQs. Like all those article when Undertale won.

Oh, yes, this most certainly! You both win best poster in the topic for reminding us of this!