Is it my cookies, or do you also get lots of anti-lbgtq stuff on Facebook?

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yes and no.
I don't see posts that are blatantly anti-lgbtq, but I do see tons of comments on random posts that will bring up lgbtq stuff.

like, in a guitar group I'm in, people were posting their guitars. it's a vintage group so good luck seeing pics that aren't "guitar hanging on wall" "guitar in open case" "guitar leaning against amp"
and yet, somehow, the comments devolved into weird anti-lgbtq rants, anti-michelle obama for some reason (like wtf, her and barrack are hardly in the public sphere anymore, they're like legacy politicians or something), and also pro-OJ simpson for some even weirder reason..
I do think it's a boomer + vintage instrument thing, since 99% of every other instrument groups I'm part of is generally pro-lgbtq since music is generally a more inclusive space.