Have you ever had an online girlfriend?

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lmao I had a ton of weird situations online especially when I was younger. Tons that I've forgotten even happened. I just thought of one I haven't thought of in years.

When I was like 12 on AOL this 16 year old girl had a huge crush on me and wanted to somehow meet me. She had a boyfriend who hated me. I would talk to her on the landline sometimes in the middle of the night and she would....yeah. Really weird situation looking back.

Possible grooming trigger below.

A bit unrelated but does anyone remember when AOL did have chat rooms they had the "community" tab or something? Then every major city had a chat called "m4m" So "LAM4M| and so on. Dumbass 12 year old me had no idea what that meant. I assumed " message for message" for some reason. Funny is those rooms were always packed. Apparently, AOL was the gay spot back then?

Anyway I went in one in my area after practice for the team I was on. Met some 30 something year old guy who said he coached a team in my area and was talking to me for a while then he asked when I knew I was gay. I was like wait what I didn't know that's what this meant. What a creep. I always wondered if he actually was a coach in my area or that was just some BS to hopefully lure me. He lost interest in talking to me once I said I wasn't gay. So zero chance he wasn't a creep.