Have you ever had an online girlfriend?

Current Events

My wife of two years and whom I dated for around fifteen was someone I met online when we were both in our early teens.

If memory serves it was originally from Camp Hyrule - that silly Zelda-themed online summer camp that NoA did doe a few years.

We hit it off, became fast friends, and ended up doing a lot of early 2000s online gaming together with another friend.

Eventually we met in person for the first time in 2007 when I moved to NJ from CO to go to college, and started "officially" dating then, though we were doing the online dating thing for a few years before that.

A year later I had to move back to CO, however, when my late mother started developing COPD and we all kind of new it was going to develop into cancer (which it did) to help take care of her while my father worked full time.

We did the long distance dating thing after that until my mom passed in 2016, with the two of us flying out back and forth twice a year to see one another between '08 and 16.

I moved back to NJ a year after my mom passed and all her affairs were sorted out, and we moved in together and lived together until we got married in 2022.

It was a long, strange, and often times stressful trip, but it all worked out in the end. We like to joke now to people that we did the online dating thing way before it became popular.
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