What was your first main method of communication online?

Current Events

Current Events » What was your first main method of communication online?
I didn't really use the internet to talk to people until I started coming to GameFAQs in 2007.

I played Runescape and would talk to people there if I needed/wanted something, but it wasn't really a main method of communication.

I had an email before 2007 but I didn't really use it for anything.

So really, this website was my first main method of online communication.
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Dreamcast chat rooms.
So says Mr. Stewart.
Message boards!

Small young me, shitposting as a 13 year old, on a BF1942 community board.

Ultimate cringe, thank god that thing died decades ago, as well as any link to my even more cringy username at that time.
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
AOL chat rooms
Nice day for fishin, ain't it?
Touch grass!
I used to talk to a lot of people via AIM.

Don't talk to anyone I only know online anymore, except via public channels like this post. Don't even do PMs.

People I know personally, I'll talk to on WhatsApp.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Karovorak posted...

Ultimate cringe, thank god that thing died decades ago, as well as any link to my even more cringy username at that time.

This username is an evolution of my first online username, so at least you moved on lol
The name is wackyteen for a reason. Never doubt.
Chat rooms, I think. First community I ever felt "a part of" was the Dragon Ball/Z/GT Information Site's (I think that's what it was) Indeed (and not the employment site, lol) chat.

EDIT: Yeah, it was (the "ULTIMATE Dragon Ball/Z/GT Information Site", actually). It was eventually renamed "The Grand Line" but the original site is still underneath.
What is the equivalent of taking a shower in an online community?
I think I started with AIM, but I didn't really get into the IM stuff until MSN. Ooh, just thinking about it is hitting me with nostalgia! I had a Yu-Gi-Oh! friend group I chatted with all the time on there. When it shut down, we moved to Skype, then Facebook, and now we're on Discord. We gained a couple but lost a lot more over the years. Such is life, I suppose. I think all those old friends of mine would be blown away if they saw me now~
Master Duel (373-244-752) | FGO (960,463,298)
Let's be friends~
I'm a Taurus. Currently playing: Dragon's Dogma 2 (PC) & DMC3:SE Ubisoft Port (PC)
Yahoo messenger. Ended up mostly doing role-playing on it. They had whole user made chat rooms on there for that. But I think one particular chat room is what caused the user created ones to be taken down. It was titled slave auction and what that boiled down to was some role playing slave buyers and others playing sex slaves being sold. Once sold you'd go into private messaging and continue the role play

And we'll the chatrooms where full of literal kids
I put my heart and soul into my work and I fear I have lost my mind in the process
Yahoo Messenger.
Insert some witty line here
AIM was the first thing I really used. Then battle.net old school, through Diablo 2 and Starcraft.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
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forums or AIM i think. I don't remember which was first.
When money talks for the very last time, and nobody walks a step behind
When there's only one race, and that's mankind, then we shall be free
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AOL Chat Rooms, I was 12 so it would have been like 1997? I remember because it was a teenager chatroom and I wasn't quite a teenager and felt like I didn't belong there.
"No. I'm a man so theyll get me a full size McDouble." - DuncanWii
yahoo messenger
Do the cedar trees still standing
next to the ocean still grow?
AOL dial-up
The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.
Message boards. Specifically the Nintendo.com ones.
...I think I'm done here...
Various dial-up BBS chats, although you could say that wasn't The Internet. I guess email, then.
Current Events » What was your first main method of communication online?