DnD players, would you consider this boss overtuned? *Critical Role spoilers*

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The tl;dr is:
  • 22 AC
  • Sheet says 460 HP, but the comments on this post mostly agree she was likely more around 300
  • Four attacks per action with +14 to hit
  • Bonus action off-hand attack with a weapon that doubles the DC of a concentration check it causes
  • Can spend a legendary action to attack
  • On any attack, she can spend a Psi die to deal extra damage and force a DC 19 strength save to knock someone prone
  • Bonus action to get a flight speed double her walking speed for a turn
  • Two Action Surges (not listed on the sheet, the guy who compiled it forgor)
  • At half health, she goes SSJ. Her AC becomes 25, she becomes resistant to all damage, and she regains both her Action Surges.
  • On top of this, she used a healing potion that restored 66 HP after she'd become resistant to all damage, meaning she healed 132 in practical terms
  • She had a special backpack that let her use the Echo Knight's Manifest Echo ability. Basically she makes three shadow clones. When she makes an attack action, she gets a free extra attack from a clone. As a bonus action, she can use 15 feet of movement to swap places with a clone.
This was the latest boss fight they had on CR and I thought it was a bit fuckin' much even for seven level thirteen characters. She opened combat by oneshotting their transformed blood hunter. They managed to get her backpack away from her before she could use it even once and she still nearly TPK'd the party.
https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif https://i.imgur.com/Er6TT.gif
So? I deeded to some gay porn. It doesn't mean anything. - Patty_Fleur