WoW's going to add an arachnophobia mode that replaces spiders with crabs.

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The first time I saw this was System Shock 2. People talked about how scary the spiders were, and there was a mod to remove them. I hate bugs, and I was always a giant coward when it came to any remotely scary game. System Shock 2 kept me constantly on edge with the normal enemies, and I was just always dreading the moment a spider would show up. Is it going to be a massive swarm of tiny enemies that are impossible to escape? A giant, hallway filling monster? Then I finally saw one.
And my only reaction was "oh." That's kinda big, I guess. They're really slow and don't really do much. Some are pretty bullet spongy. The spiders in Turok 2 scared me way more.
viewmaster_pi posted...
eh, i also don't think arachnophobia is real. much like trypophobia, submechanophobia, megalophobia, thalassaphobia, coulrophobia, etc, i think these are social phenomena exacerbated by media, internet culture, videos and pics meant to deliberately creep you out or shock you, and people tend to glom onto these things and wear them like fun badges
They're real, but I partially agree that these modes feel more like a trendy meme than a real accessibility option. Making them crabs instead of pretty much anything else feels like wasted effort. You ever see that photo of the coconut crab on the garbage can? It's practically a giant spider.
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