What was that episode in Star Trek(?) where they defuse a crew member

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Maze_ posted...
To be fair, we're not arguing over the dilemma

We're arguing over the weak writing of Voyager that it never came up again and wasn't refected in Janeways inconsistent character.

She broke the Prime directive and stranded hundreds of people in the Delta Quadrant just to save random aliens because she's so virtuous. But then murdered someone because doing so increased their chances of getting home after beng stranded for being so virtuous.

Picard would be willing to go to war to save 1 dude even if he didn't like them.

I agree Janeways characterization is inconsistent. And Star Trek does have a bad habit of putting life-altering events in their episodes and then never mentioning them again.

But the dilemma itself was good writing. On the Star Trek subreddit people still hotly debate whether she did the right thing or not. You can already see opposing opinions in this thread. Thats why I think it was a good episode.

The difference between fiction and reality is that fiction has to make sense.