Are robotics;notes and chaos;child good? Spoilers for science adventure series

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I watched the Robotics;Notes anime, and I quite liked it. I've seen people shit on it or say it was ultra forgettable, and long term, perhaps that is true

However, I distinctly remember at the time, people thought Frau was peak and the nerdy serious guy was cool. They liked the AI girl in the AR world, and they had fan arts aplenty during the anime's airing.

Also the anime ended really well. Because so much of it is them bonding together and living a carefree life trying to make their stupid club work, when shit hits the fan, and all these serious people get foiled by the virtue of them being carefree makes all the slice of life feel like there was a point to all of it. Definitely the type of show where if you stop in the middle, you'll think it's complete shit, but the payoff makes it all the worth your while
"Iwata was awesome" - Mr. Nintendo