Why is pikachu the only Gen 1 pokemon that stayed Japanese

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Dudebusters posted...
* Caterpie ( Kyatapi )
* Butterfree ( Batafuri )
* Pidgeot ( Pijotto )
* Arbok ( Abokku ), note that in Japanese Ekans' name is Abo , shortened from Abokku.
* Pikachu ( Pikachu )
* Raichu ( Raichu )
* Nidoran ( Nidoran )
* Nidorina ( Nidorina )
* Nidoqueen ( Nidokuin )
* Nidoran ( Nidoran )
* Nidorino ( Nidorino )
* Nidoking ( Nidoking )
* Zubat ( Zubatto )
* Golbat ( Gorubatto )
* Paras ( Parasu )
* Parasect ( Parasekuto )
* Dugtrio ( Dagutrio )
* Persian ( Perushian )
* Golduck ( Gorudakku )
* Mankey ( Manki )
* Shellder ( Sheruda )
* Gengar ( Gengaa )
* Kingler ( Kingura )
* Seadra ( Shidora )
* Starmie ( Sutami )
* Gyarados ( Gyaradosu )
* Lapras ( Rapurasu )
* Eevee ( Ibui )
* Porygon ( Porigon )
* Omanyte ( Omunaito )
* Omastar ( Omusuta )
* Kabuto ( Kabuto )
* Kabutops ( Kabutopusu )
* Mewtwo ( Myutsu )
* Mew ( Myu )

Those all translate to the same thing. Of those, the ones spelled the exact same using the English alphabet are:

I call bullshit,
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