Black GA voters sending message of Gaza to Biden not voting

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Current Events » Black GA voters sending message of Gaza to Biden not voting
Will_VIIII posted...
Unless you show conviction and quit your job over the Gaza conflict, it's just hypocrisy when you complain.
My taxes pay for Ukraine. The actual hypocrisy is voting for Biden when he won't stop supplying bombs to kill children.
ModernPost posted...
It's not my fault Democrats suck at protecting human rights.

I pointed this out before and I was attacked like I kicked puppy.

Trans people are losing rights all over the country.
DEI,CRT, Affirmative Action all gone.
Abortion Rights gone
Biden Push to give police more money and yet no police reform.
And the list goes on.
Biden is the greatest President ever.
ModernPost posted...
I have never once told anyone not to vote for Biden. I have only been trying to defend the political action by people who want to leverage their votes to convince Biden to take action against Israel.
You want to protect the right of stupid people to be stupid?
You have two choices Biden or Trump people saying they won't vote help Trump. Hw is not just worse for Gaza but FAR worse for people back home.
So chossing Trump because you love Gaza seems very stupid no?
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca
Great, now Slug Virus has a shot at winning Georgia.
Beware the fanatic! Too often his cure is deadlier by far than the evil he denounces!-Stan Lee RIP
Make Arcades Great Again!
cjsdowg posted...
So the same logic apply, or would you admit you shouldn't get away with killing innocent people now ?
Is this some kind of gotcha? No dude, the same logic does not apply. This is just israelis attacking palestinians at random. Whine about it all you want, but the Israeli army has more legitimacy to make attacks.
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
I wish these people spent this much energy on the problems in our own country instead of worrying about things happening in other parts of the world.
There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, a state of bliss
ButteryMales posted...
My taxes pay for Ukraine. The actual hypocrisy is voting for Biden when he won't stop supplying bombs to kill children.
Your taxes also pay for what's happening in Gaza therefore you're actively supporting this genocide (by your parameters) by choice.

Why should anyone listen to you?
Advice from a dryer: Open the door to amazement. Don't shrink from your true calling. Accept life's wrinkles. Avoid overload. Reach into mystery!
Kingfrost posted...
"How dare you get upset over losing your rights! You are only allowed to be concerned about Gaza."
It's very telling that a significant portion of the people taking your stance on this also go on to claim Oct 7th justifies Israel's actions, or spread misinformation about Halal food, or deny the Palestinian genocide, or...
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Yazarogi posted...
I mean, that's the only other option and he would come into power in America.

And the difference is if that happens, you choose to blame regular people with a conscience, while I choose to blame the most powerful person on the planet.
Kingfrost posted...
Biden has called for a ceasefire. What he hasn't done is stop selling weapons to Israel. But even if there were a ceasefire, we'd be selling Israel weapons for their next attempt.

Those big war corporations are lobbyists and donors
Trumble posted...
Friendly reminder that the people getting upset about Biden losing support over this, are very frequently letting their mask slip and revealing themself as pro-Israel.

Exactly like I predicted in post 285.
Friendly reminder the people claiming you should abstain have let the mask slip that they don't care about LGBT people and think of them as just whiners.
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca
Will_VIIII posted...
Your taxes also pay for what's happening in Gaza therefore you're actively supporting this genocide (by your parameters) by choice.

Why should anyone listen to you?
I also hope their PC and phone don't have Intel parts, they don't use Amazon or any Google related products too.
Currently Playing: The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
Tanthalas posted...
Is this some kind of gotcha? No dude, the same logic does not apply. This is just israelis attacking palestinians at random. Whine about it all you want, but the Israeli army has more legitimacy to make attacks.

You really want to go there with the human rights violations of the IDF ?
Biden is the greatest President ever.
cjsdowg posted...
I pointed this out before and I was attacked like I kicked puppy.

Trans people are losing rights all over the country.
DEI,CRT, Affirmative Action all gone.
Abortion Rights gone
Biden Push to give police more money and yet no police reform.
And the list goes on.

You were attacked because you made the argument that Democrats and Republicans are equal with respect to civil rights issues.

Which is insane.
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo
Yazarogi posted...
I mean, that's the only other option and he would come into power in America.
That would be awful. I hope Biden takes every effort imaginable to win these voters back over, since their votes are so necessary to defeat Trump.
The simulacrum is never that which conceals the truth, it is the truth which conceals that there is none. The simulacrum is true. Ecclesiastes
MrMojoRising posted...
And the difference is if that happens, you choose to blame regular people with a conscience, while I choose to blame the most powerful person on the planet.
You have said before your only problem with Biden is that hes not a tyrant who packs the courts with his yes men.
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca
ModernPost posted...
That would be awful. I hope Biden takes every effort imaginable to win these voters back over, since their votes are so necessary to defeat Trump.
I pray the voters are not idiots who refuse to vote for him. Pray with me.
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca
MrMojoRising posted...
And the difference is if that happens, you choose to blame regular people with a conscience, while I choose to blame the most powerful person on the planet.

This really isn't the gotcha you think it is....
"There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... but stardust." - Pinbacker
thinking about it this is yet another problem stemming from Capital

Biden not selling weapons to Israel would meet the ire of the big military industrial complex and that is worse than, losing voters? Cause they donate big money and such?
cjsdowg posted...
I pointed this out before and I was attacked like I kicked puppy.

Trans people are losing rights all over the country.
DEI,CRT, Affirmative Action all gone.
Abortion Rights gone
Biden Push to give police more money and yet no police reform.
And the list goes on.
Ah yes, lets just conveniently ignore that most of those policies are being implemented by the GOP. "But Biden isn't using the infinite powers of the presidency to right all the wrongs in the world, the only thing we can do is help the GOP get back into power so they can continue to fuck us over!".
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
cjsdowg posted...
You really want to go there with the human rights violations of the IDF ?
He's going to deny them, because he doesn't give a fuck about Palestine or Palestinians.
Tanthalas posted...
Ah yes, lets just conveniently ignore that most of those policies are being implemented by the GOP. "But Biden isn't using the infinite powers of the presidency to right all the wrongs in the world, the only thing we can do is help the GOP get back into power so they can continue to fuck us over!".

It doesn't matter Tanthalas, Biden is damned if he does, damned if he doesn't. The country and possibly the world at large is barreling towards a horrorscape none of us are prepared for.
"There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... but stardust." - Pinbacker
Trumble posted...
It's very telling that a significant portion of the people taking your stance on this also go on to claim Oct 7th justifies Israel's actions , or spread misinformation about Halal food, or deny the Palestinian genocide, or...
Throwing that in the middle of a list doesn't change reality.
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
This has gotta be one of the fastest to 500 topics ever. I just got to the second page, and these posts were made like 3 hours ago!
It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it. - George Carlin
Pikakaeru, use water gun!
cjsdowg posted...
You really want to go there with the human rights violations of the IDF ?
Again, is this some kind of gotcha? You keep trying to compare different things and expecting me to agree that they're the same.
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
Phoro posted...
This has gotta be one of the fastest to 500 topics ever. I just got to the second page, and these posts were made like 3 hours ago!

There's like 4 posters who show up in every similar topic then respond to every post for hours which leads to argument after argument.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"

Young voters aren't warming up to Biden. They know it means Trump could win again.

CHATTANOOGA, Tennessee President Joe Biden should have a lock on Viviana Ramos' vote. She's a liberal young woman from an immigrant family working a service-industry job that keeps her living paycheck to paycheck, worried about climate change, health care, the cost of college and buying a house.
But Biden may not get her vote in November.
Ramos, 24, voted for him in 2020 but is now unsure whether she can bring herself to support him again, even if it means a second presidency for Donald Trump, who she dislikes even more.
"That fuels the rage. It's really disheartening. I have a moral battle with myself: Do I even vote this time around? I don't want to have to choose between them. One is slightly worse than the other. It's horrible," said Ramos, who works at a coffee shop inside downtown Chattanooga's historic train station.
Ramos is one of many young voters stewing with grievances over the country's future, from the existential crisis of climate change to the frustration over inflation, reproductive rights, high interest rates, Israel's war in Gaza, immigration reform and the power corporations have over their working conditions.
same USAtoday article :(

In 2016, nearly 40% of young voters cast ballots, rising to 50% in 2020, according to the nonpartisan Center for Information & Research on Civic Learning and Engagement at Tufts University in Massachusetts. Although young voters are typically less likely to identify as Republican or Democrat, they are also more likely to vote for Democratic candidates.
Today, polls show Biden has weak support among young voters, and that while 26% of Americans overall have a negative view of both Trump and Biden, a significantly larger 41% of young voters dislike both, according to a poll by Harvards Kennedy School of Government.
Many young liberal voters say they understand that Bidens reelection depends heavily on their support, and hope his campaign and administration begins addressing their concerns more forcefully. They're well aware that if they don't give Biden their vote, Trump will more easily win.
Kristian Mansel, 23 said she's willing to see a Trump victory if it means Biden and Democratic Party learn a lesson. She's mad Biden and Democrats have failed to protect reproductive rights or wipe out student loans.
"It's just there's too many strikes against him and the Democratic Party at this point in general," said Mansel, a University of Memphis student who considers herself liberal.

In 2020, Trump beat Biden in Tennessee by about 700,000 votes, but more than 1 million eligible voters most of them young people didn't participate.
Overall, 66% of Americans voted in the 2020 presidential election, with turnout the highest about 76% among people aged 64-74. Experts say high turnout gives elections more credibility because the results more closely mirror what the majority of people want.
"It feels like the older generation is still in charge, and there are such huge differences in our experiences," said Jeremy Gold, 30, of Nashville.
"We feel like we've been ripped off by the 'American dream' idea we've seen the financial repercussions of our parents' and grandparents' generations multiple times over, seen a lot more violence and war than we were originally told would happen, and we feel ripped off," he said. "The lack of voting is probably a little bit of a middle finger to those who passed that to us."

They're not apathetic, they're annoyed
While Trump has focused primarily on the health of the overall economy and closing the southern border, Biden in the past several months has announced initiatives aimed squarely at the concerns of young people, from tax credits to help people buy houses to capping credit card fees, reducing racial disparities in healthcare and income, and lowering college costs and student loan debt, including at historically black colleges and universities in Tennessee.
Ramos sees efforts like those as little more than tinkering around the edges.

She's furious that past generations could more easily buy homes, afford college, save for retirement and access high-quality health care. She said she sees Biden as only marginally better than Trump, who she considers a "dictator."
She said older voters refuse to change society because it works for them, even if it means dooming young people to a subsistence existence without homeownership, savings or affordable cars, groceries and gas.
"The people we elect don't speak for me," she said. "I try to be a mature person. But it's hard not to be angry when you were left with multiple situations where the older generations have literally messed up so much for us."
Ben Schulz, a high school government teacher in Chattanooga, said many of his students share the same concerns.
Earlier this year Schulz helped his school, Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences, win a statewide award for registering every student who will be eligible to vote this fall.

chulz said college costs are among his students' biggest concerns, along with climate change and the war in Gaza. He said it's a mistake to think young people aren't interested in politics. The problem, he said, is that many feel their votes wont make a difference, due to uncontested seats or gerrymandered districts.
It may be hard to get anything out of them, but they are paying attention," he said. "They may not express it to older people but they sure are talking about it amongst themselves.
Clarissa Unger of the nonpartisan Students Learn Students Vote coalition said she believes young people are powerfully interested in the outcome of this year's election, even if polls don't reflect it. In the 2020 presidential election, two-thirds of eligible college students aged 18-21 voted, virtually identical to the national average.
"Young people and college students are not apathetic at all they want to have their voices heard," Unger said. "Disillusionment is something they're worried about this year, and a way to combat that is through voter education."
The easiest and correct solution is to vote against the person who would be the worse president. It literally is just that simple. By voting for trump or abstaining in protest of Biden, you are just making things worse for yourself and Palestine, but thats probably what those people want anyway
WingsOfGood posted...
same USAtoday article :(
Holy fuck these people are fucking stupid. Everything bad that happens during a Trump presidency to all of these people is deserved. That includes being sent back to their own countries or locked up in prisons.
Currently Playing: The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
Rika_Furude posted...
The easiest and correct solution is to vote against the person who would be the worse president. It literally is just that simple. By voting for trump or abstaining in protest of Biden, you are just making things worse for yourself and Palestine, but thats probably what those people want anyway

I don't understand why its so hard for these people to grasp.
"There will be nothing to show that we were ever here... but stardust." - Pinbacker
Tanthalas posted...
Ah yes, lets just conveniently ignore that most of those policies are being implemented by the GOP. "But Biden isn't using the infinite powers of the presidency to right all the wrongs in the world, the only thing we can do is help the GOP get back into power so they can continue to fuck us over!".

People are being fucked over now. It is like when Republicans in power they can do anything they want. But Democrats on Biden can't do much of anything to stop these clear abuses. Remember to vote for Biden .
Biden is the greatest President ever.
DrizztLink posted...
He's going to deny them, because he doesn't give a fuck about Palestine or Palestinians.
And again, where did I ever deny that Israel is commiting human rights violations?

I know, it's very hard for you guys to keep standing on your high horse and look down on other people if you admit that both sides are shit.
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
Holy_Cloud105 posted...
Holy fuck these people are fucking stupid. Everything bad that happens during a Trump presidency to all of these people is deserved. That includes being sent back to their own countries or locked up in prisons.

she's furious that past generations could more easily buy homes, afford college, save for retirement and access high-quality health care. She said she sees Biden as only marginally better than Trump, who she considers a "dictator."
She said older voters refuse to change society because it works for them, even if it means dooming young people to a subsistence existence without homeownership, savings or affordable cars, groceries and gas.
"The people we elect don't speak for me," she said. "I try to be a mature person. But it's hard not to be angry when you were left with multiple situations where the older generations have literally messed up so much for us."
Ben Schulz, a high school government teacher in Chattanooga, said many of his students share the same concerns.
Earlier this year Schulz helped his school, Chattanooga School for the Arts & Sciences, win a statewide award for registering every student who will be eligible to vote this fall.

Maybe they will rise up?
Tanthalas posted...

And again, where did I ever deny that Israel is commiting human rights violations?

I know, it's very hard for you guys to keep standing on your high horse and look down on other people if you admit that both sides are shit.

Tanthalas posted...
Because whether you like it or not, Israel is actually responding to an agression by Hamas. But you guys want to stand on your imaginary high horse throwing out genocide this and genocide that.
Sure, Tan.
cjsdowg posted...
People are being fucked over now. It is like when Republicans in power they can do anything they want. But Democrats on Biden can't do much of anything to stop these clear abuses. Remember to vote for Biden .

Yea it would be kinda chill if we had the Supreme Court

But who cares fuck Hillary
"The soul in the darkness sins, but the real sinner is he who caused the darkness." - Victor Hugo

video talks about outrage regarding genocide
Just helping close this shit turd of a topic until the next derpy Israel bitch fest.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
DrizztLink posted...
Tanthalas posted...

Sure, Tan.
Oh, so Hamas didn't actually attack Israel. So you're just going to outright ignore reality because it makes you uncomfortable.
Sir Markham pointed out, drinking another brandy. "A chap who can point at you and say 'die' has the distinct advantage".
WingsOfGood posted...
Maybe they will rise up?
They're too dumb to even realize the GOP shot down Biden's student loan forgiveness and also got rid of abortion rights. I now want the worst outcome for everyone if that's where we're headed anyway.
Currently Playing: The Legend of Heroes: Trails into Reverie
havean776 posted...
Friendly reminder the people claiming you should abstain have let the mask slip that they don't care about LGBT people and think of them as just whiners.

The most vocal Anti-Biden people in this thread are literally right-wing NON-Americans. Says everything you need to know.
Tanthalas posted...
Oh, so Hamas didn't actually attack Israel. So you're just going to outright ignore reality because it makes you uncomfortable.
It doesn't justify what Israel have done since and it's painfully obvious you're only bringing it up to downplay that. Even people on your side about Biden are calling you out for that one, maybe you should reconsider whether you quadruple-down on it.
Do, or do not. There is no Trumble.
Heineken14 posted...
Just helping close this shit turd of a topic until the next derpy Israel bitch fest.

thread closing doesn't make the current event go away though

this is a hot topic not just on gamefaqs as I learned, see above video
Tanthalas posted...
Oh, so Hamas didn't actually attack Israel. So you're just going to outright ignore reality because it makes you uncomfortable.
Try again, Tan.
Holy_Cloud105 posted...
They're too dumb to even realize the GOP shot down Biden's student loan forgiveness and also got rid of abortion rights. I now want the worst outcome for everyone if that's where we're headed anyway.

? what makes you think they don't realize this?

Sandalorn posted...
The most vocal Anti-Biden people in this thread are literally right-wing NON-Americans. Says everything you need to know.
Pure truth.
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca
The simple fact is that Joe Biden will only change if he thinks he's seriously in danger of losing the election. I could say that anyone who is advocating against withholding their vote to pressure Biden is against an end to the genocide, but then I'd start sounding like the liberals ITT.
WingsOfGood posted...
? what makes you think they don't realize this?

The things they say, mostly.

Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
Current Events » Black GA voters sending message of Gaza to Biden not voting
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