And people ask what's wrong with the trend of video essays becoming longer.

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I guess some people just look at YouTube as a past time of its own instead of a way to burn a few minutes.

I grumble to myself at 15 minute runtimes tbh. If it's 20, I'm generally not going to watch it, and if I do, I'll break it up into a couple of sessions.

The real problem here is the filler. The average YouTube video is packed to the brim with filler. If it's a ten minute video, at least two minutes of it is "Whatever this video is about is a thing that affects stuff in our every day life and blah blah blah", "Like comment subscribe ring the bell tell your friends and give me money on patreon" and "Ok guys before we get started, channel update that has nothing at all to do with the video."
I have a signature now so shut up