Was Solo the most satisfying movie flop?

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Current Events » Was Solo the most satisfying movie flop?
The one movie they thought would get them easy nostalgia bucks and people were like "nah, keep your garbage"
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It still doesn't change the fact that it was made. Harrison Ford was the only Han Solo actor for four decades and they fucked it up out of corporate greed.

Not really, but they should rename it to Sino.
It was a fine enough movie. Honestly it would have been better if they didn't make it about Han and just did an original character in the criminal underworld. There's really nothing apart from Chewie and the Falcon that necessitated the character being Han.

Shit, they could have done Dash Rendar and left the story 90% the same. People really aren't excited to see a new actor play Han. That was its biggest issue.

Like, look at Rogue One. Massive success, people loved it, literally every major character in it was new.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
As I was watching the movie, I kept asking myself if Han Solo was just a last minute addition to this movie script. Because honestly, it felt like it was originally a totally different movie but the marketing went "this movie will flop unless you got a recognizable character in it." and just stuck Han Solo in it. It's a mid/forgettable movie.
Gobstoppers12 posted...
Shit, they could have done Dash Rendar and left the story 90% the same. People really aren't excited to see a new actor play Han. That was its biggest issue.

Just simply calling it Shadows of the Empire, I think it would have made more success from 90s kids who remember the book / video game. It wouldn't even have to be a direct adaptation.
All things considered, I didn't hate it. I didn't love it, but I definitely didn't hate it.
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Also they broke canon on the Falcon. The stupid front part that made it fugly throughout the movie was ....an escape pod? No the escape pods are on the sides. It would've made more sense if it was an external hyperdrive like Kenobi's ship used in the prequels, and Han later had an internal hyperdrive installed.
Honestly I thought it was gonna be much worse than it actually was.

Not saying it was great by any means. I just expected worse.
For me, the most satisfying flop was The Flash. For years Ezra Miller was assaulting people, breaking into homes, grooming children, and just generally behaving like a lunatic. Warner Bros stuck by them every step of the way. Other DC movies were shelved, but not The Flash. They were absolutely determined to get The Flash into theaters. No recasts. They supported Ezra every step of the way, hid them from the press, brought them in for reshoots between court dates. I've never seen a major company show such unwavering support for an obvious piece of shit. There were even suggestions that they'd love to have Ezra back in the role for the new universe.

And then it flopped. Hard. Good.
Akuryu posted...
For me, the most satisfying flop was The Flash
I was sad that it flopped, but only because I love The Flash. I'm also glad it flopped because 65% of the movie was an irredeemable disaster.

Michael Keaton was the only real saving grace it had going for it.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Akuryu posted...
For me, the most satisfying flop was The Flash. For years Ezra Miller was assaulting people, breaking into homes, grooming children, and just generally behaving like a lunatic. Warner Bros stuck by them every step of the way. Other DC movies were shelved, but not The Flash. They were absolutely determined to get The Flash into theaters. No recasts. They supported Ezra every step of the way, hid them from the press, brought them in for reshoots between court dates. I've never seen a major company show such unwavering support for an obvious piece of shit. There were even suggestions that they'd love to have Ezra back in the role for the new universe.

And then it flopped. Hard. Good.
yeah something about that gives me a bad vibe i can't explain it

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It was pretty disheartening to see Batman defending a criminal.

Was the last good Star Wars movie
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I went in assuming it would be bad, and I came out really enjoying it.

really fun movie, where I liked Donald Glover and Emilia Clarke. the dude who played Han was decent, too.
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cousinvini posted...
The one movie they thought would get them easy nostalgia bucks and people were like "nah, keep your garbage"

LOL it's actually decent and people were still mad over TLJ.

Audiences in 2018 spent their money watching worse movies like Fallen Kingdom and Venom.
Whatsherface is Hot, and that definitely helped. The woman from GoT and Terminator: Genesys.
If I am remembering correctly it suffered from a phenomenon I've seen in more recent star wars movies and maybe more sci fi or fantasy if I watched it.

When they constantly go to planets and find the person or thing in minutes. These planets are hollow and I can't remember the name of any of them, except Jakku, because it was essentially a Tatooine clone. They go from planet to planet and spend seemingly minutes there. I think in the one star wars movie they had a timer scene where they have like 45 minutes to get to one planet and do something. Like, what in the fuck is this? I know it's fantasy, but even so it just seems silly. Constantly hopping between planets all willy nilly and whatever they have to do there is always just convenient(the entire planet but they can spot the exact individual they need as quick as possible).
FortuneCookie posted...
It was pretty disheartening to see Batman defending a criminal.

Now, to be fair, Batman is known for being sympathetic with many of his villains. It wouldn't be the first time he defended one villain from another.
I write Naruto Fanfiction. But I am definitely not a furry.
Unpopular opinion, but I honestly think Solo is the best of the Disney Star Wars movies.

It's biggest issue was that the fanbase was still in an uproar over TLJ for reasons that still baffle me.

Glover absolutely nailed young Lando, the Qi'ra character is super intriguing (And far more interesting than Rey IMO) and the surprise ending legit had people in the theater I saw it at going apeshit. Dude playing Han wasn't even that bad either. Shame it bombed because of the TLJ backlash. Would love to see that story keep going in a TV series if a sequel never happens.
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I am sad it can't get a sequel. Maybe they can wrap up the set up from the ending in a comic or cartoon or something
I liked it. Didn't love it, but I liked it.
Movie gets way too much unwarranted hate.
It was mostly ok. Ive become a fan of Alden Ehrenreich. Emilia Clarke was really good in it. Woody Harelsons gang felt too much like a GOTG clone. And the ending wasnt great. But I enjoyed it.
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Current Events » Was Solo the most satisfying movie flop?