California Fast-Food Workers Will Get $20 Minimum Wage, Starting Monday

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Current Events » California Fast-Food Workers Will Get $20 Minimum Wage, Starting Monday

Once again, California leads the way forward to progress.
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What about all the pizza delivery drivers in the unemployment line now.
Italian, French, German.
It makes sense when youre one of the most expensive states. Other expensive geographical areas could support this too.

I mean I live in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest where cost of living is cheap and even though mandated minimum wage is $7.25 the reality is the lowest paying jobs you see are hiring for like $14 an hour.

And you can live a hell of a lot cheaper here than California. Their wages should be higher.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
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Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California
If anyone disparaged you the way you disparage yourself, I would wish to strike them with an axe
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California fast food workers about to make more than I'm currently making hourly in an office job that requires a college degree.

Man, that's fucked. Not that they're making that much, they deserve it. Just makes me feel like shit working these hours for this garbage pay.
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Humble_Novice posted...

Once again, California leads the way forward to progress.
and increases prices of food. no way im paying almost $4 for a hashbrown.
I may look calm, but in my head, I've just killed you three times.
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DuranOfForcena posted...
fast food prices have been going up for decades anyway while wages have remained stagnant. paying basic workers a fair wage isn't what causes food prices to go up, corporate greed is.
i dont think you know how economics work. greed or not. if you increase the wages, the prices on the good will go up.
I may look calm, but in my head, I've just killed you three times.
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DuranOfForcena posted...
fast food prices have been going up for decades anyway while wages have remained stagnant. paying basic workers a fair wage isn't what causes food prices to go up, corporate greed is.

so until you stand up to corporate greed its just a vicious cycle
Don't ask about Charlemagne.
WalkingPlague posted...
i dont think you know how economics work. greed or not. if you increase the wages, the prices on the good will go up.

because corporate doesn't want to lower their profit margins
I could see you, but I couldn't hear you You were holding your hat in the breeze Turning away from me In this moment you were stolen...
Honest question, will this not just push companies to run skeleton crews?

Im glad workers are getting better wages, i just dont trust companies to not choose the most fucked up option when it comes to money
Hee Ho
Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California

Premium combos straight off the menu/drive through in my city are already $13-$15. A burger, small fries, small soda from five guys is $23 here lol
Since only from below can one better see the heights.
WalkingPlague posted...
i dont think you know how economics work. greed or not. if you increase the wages, the prices on the good will go up.
I don't think you know how America works.
Warning: This post may contain triggering or distressing content.
Wish I made $20/hr ._.
DuranOfForcena posted...
this is a great first step, but it's not only fast food workers who deserve to have a wage increase in California to keep up with the rising costs of living, it's all workers. hopefully this is just a stepping stone to a blanket minimum wage raise.

It is a good step, but this will only make the fast food restaurant give more "justification" to increase the price of food as oppose to fixing a problem of stagnant wages not matching with the cost of living.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Honest question, will this not just push companies to run skeleton crews?

Im glad workers are getting better wages, i just dont trust companies to not choose the most fucked up option when it comes to money

They already do this regardless.
Black Lives Matter. ~ DYL ~ (On mobile)
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They will reap what they sow in a few years when the unintended consequences start rolling in.
Fear of looking in the mirror and seeing who you REALLY are is sadly what makes most people extremely terrible.
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DuranOfForcena posted...
this is a great first step, but it's not only fast food workers who deserve to have a wage increase in California to keep up with the rising costs of living, it's all workers. hopefully this is just a stepping stone to a blanket minimum wage raise.
I sure hope so. The school I work at has been really struggling to keep one-on-one aides on staff because we pay fucking horribly. While Im overall in favor of this development, I do worry that its going to make it even harder to find people willing to work as one-on-one aides now, when they could just make significantly more in fast food.
" Bro Just Let Me Karate Chop You And You Can Have As Many Skateboards As You Want "
Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California

In Denmark McDonalds workers make $22/hour
In Denmark, a Big Mac costs only a little more than it does here.

Weird how that works, and weird how you people never seem to bring that up. Oh right, it's not. You're just bitching about people making more money because you want to keep people poor because you think you're better than them.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California

Seattle Ice Cream shop had pay transparency, banned tips, and gave every $18 an hour starting wage back in 2018 or 2019. They seem to do just fine.
Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California
Yesterday I went to McDonalds before work, and I paid around $4.80 or so total for two sandwiches (McChicken and McDouble) and a medium fries.

Compared to every other place around my work, where I have to pay $15-17 total for just one meal for myself. A sub from subway, a bowl/burrito from chipotle, and combo meal from this Hawaiian bbq place, it always ends up being $15-17.

If McDonalds ever changes there absolutely insane value that I consistently get from there, that will be a sad day indeed. That combo I get fills me up the same way the other stuff I get from other places at a third of the price.
Hopefully other states will follow suit. Minimum wage isn't keeping up with inflation.
A True Friend leaves paw prints on your heart
Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California
I love when people say bs like this, try going to truck stops in various states, then come back and make a comment.
PSN - fsulb29
WalkingPlague posted...
i dont think you know how economics work. greed or not. if you increase the wages, the prices on the good will go up.

You can't say that here because 95% of CE seems to be in utter denial and will argue against the fact until their tonsils bleed.
This is where cool people write stuff.
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Honest question, will this not just push companies to run skeleton crews?

Because they are already doing that.

Im glad workers are getting better wages, i just dont trust companies to not choose the most fucked up option when it comes to money

Oh they will. They will close down properties and blame the raise

Bioshock gave us a fictional world showing why libertarianism doesn't work. Cryptos/NFTs gave us the real world example
LeoRavus posted...
You can't say that here because 95% of CE seems to be in utter denial and will argue against the fact until their tonsils bleed.
SO prices don't go up if you don't increase wages?
"I will either find a way, or make one."
Hannibal Barca
In & Out, a California staple was already paying $24 an hour for starting positions.

A meal is still less than $10.
All except for Panera. Whose owner is friends with the governor so he got a loophole especially for his business.
California, leading the way with cronyism
R.I.P. #43
"Kill all tires"
HOON posted...
All except for Panera. Whose owner is friends with the governor so he got a loophole especially for his business.
California, leading the way with cronyism
I still question if Panera is even fast food. Feels like it's a step above McDonalds but a step below Applebees.
ClayGuida posted...
I still question if Panera is even fast food. Feels like it's a step above McDonalds but a step below Applebees.
Paneras have drive throughs
Games: \\ Music:
WalkingPlague posted...
i dont think you know how economics work. greed or not. if you increase the wages, the prices on the good will go up.
Here's the thing genius, THE PRICES HAVE ALL GONE UP ANYWAY.

Anyways, this is a good first step. Now they should all unionize.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
archizzy posted...
It makes sense when youre one of the most expensive states. Other expensive geographical areas could support this too.

I mean I live in the middle of nowhere in the Midwest where cost of living is cheap and even though mandated minimum wage is $7.25 the reality is the lowest paying jobs you see are hiring for like $14 an hour.

And you can live a hell of a lot cheaper here than California. Their wages should be higher.
Wage growth has been slow for decades. Your thesis isnt really based in reality.
He who strikes with meaning is killed by meaning.
Seattle currently has a $20 minimum wage. Fast food prices within the past 6 months have increased pretty substantially. Right now a Big Mac combo meal is around $14 which is absurd.

Even with the increased minimum wage the restaurants are still usually completely understaffed. With the ridiculous prices and bad customer service I've pretty much stopped eating at any fast food places in Seattle now.
Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California

Why, that isn't going to happen.

Basic economics, bro... consumers will not pay $15 for a big Mac. The bulk of McDonald's customers cannot afford that anyway.

So they will have to lower profit projections very slightly instead maybe? Hey, the exec officers could use a haircut and a belt tightening too - just sayin'.

$15 Big Mac is dumb propaganda that defies basic understanding of economics.
Aren't we all just a series of tubes?
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Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California
Been that way for years

in n out is cheaper and leagues better
Gritty posted...
Been that way for years

in n out is cheaper and leagues better

Yeah, I should learn the price of shit in L.A. before I say they won't serve $15 big macs. They are probably already getting close to that.

Aren't we all just a series of tubes?
Torgo posted...
Why, that isn't going to happen.

Basic economics, bro... consumers will not pay $15 for a big Mac. The bulk of McDonald's customers cannot afford that anyway.

So they will have to lower profit projections very slightly instead maybe? Hey, the exec officers could use a haircut and a belt tightening too - just sayin'.

$15 Big Mac is dumb propaganda that defies basic understanding of economics.
Your understanding of corporate greed needs adjusting. They will charge whatever they want and then give themselves a raise.
R.I.P. #43
"Kill all tires"
Torgo posted...
Yeah, I should learn the price of shit in L.A. before I say they won't serve $15 big macs. They are probably already getting close to that.

Tbf most food, fast or otherwise, is expensive; but I just cant justify it with food like McDonalds
Thud posted...
Lmao, enjoy your $15 Big Macs and Whoppers, California
It's actually Carl's Jr. that is doing something really stupid. Their burgers are already like $8-$12 but now they're charging an additional $12 for a combo meal, meaning you're spending $20-$24 for burgers with fries and soda. But the kicker is buying the fries and drink a la carte is only like $7.

I can only imagine that they'll backtrack on that, because the average consumer is going to turn their back on a $12 upcharge for fries and soda.
"I'd rather betray the world than let the world betray me." -Cao Cao
DuranOfForcena posted...
fast food prices have been going up for decades anyway while wages have remained stagnant. paying basic workers a fair wage isn't what causes food prices to go up, corporate greed is.

Not to mention other countries pay their fast food workers even more and the price is like, 20 cents more
I have nothing else to say
Humble_Novice posted...

Once again, California leads the way forward to progress.
oh....but what about panera restaurant workers......?
Post #49 was unavailable or deleted.
DuranOfForcena posted...
did you just blow right past post #41 or
is this proven fact , so panera will pay 20 bucks an hour? article i said, said they would not. Not certain though. But did you personally believe those allegations against newsom? iirc he did not officially deny them.
Current Events » California Fast-Food Workers Will Get $20 Minimum Wage, Starting Monday
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