Godzilla x Kong (Minor Spoilers)

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FortuneCookie posted...

I acknowledged that Godzilla and Kong both have made makeshift weapons out of trees and rocks. I stated very clearly that they made Kong entirely dependent upon an external weapon and they did.

The very first time I use the word weapon in this post is as follows:

This whole conversation started because you said Kong was not allowed to be badass in the last two movies, when I provided evidence otherwise you went to well it's wasn't him it was the axe. So yes, you moved the goalposts.

Besides, even if you want to argue that Godzilla "cheated" against Kong by dragging him into the water, it doesn't change the fact that Kong had already been subject to the ultimate invalidation in that fight. Kong hit Godzilla with his best shot. Godzilla answered back with a shot that knocked Kong on his ass. And Godzilla was about to kill Kong with a single fiery blast before the military intervened on Kong's behalf.

It doesn't get much clearer than that. Godzilla took his best shot, answered back with a better one, and would have ended the fight right there were it not for someone bailing Kong out.

So you don't even know which fight you're referencing, huh? Godzilla only fought Kong near water when Kong was heavily sedated on a ship he could not maneuver on. So no, Godzilla did not take Kong's best shot in that fight, he took it in the 2nd one with the axe, but then struggled with MechaG and needed help. But that part doesn't count because Kong didn't do it, the axe moved on its own.

We're allowed to play by different rules from adaptation to adaptation? It's not just a natural extension of what would logically happen according to the established rules of monster interaction and their respective abilities?

Adaptations do not follow the source directly, that was the point I was making about Ghidorah being weaker in the Monsterverse. But of course you'd attempt to use that to justify your weird hate boner for Kong in these movies.

Then that's an open admission that they chose to make Godzilla significantly stronger, more aggressive, just plain cooler, and all around more capable than Kong. They chose to Nerf Kong so that Godzilla could stand taller.

Kong has never been a match for Godzilla, ever, without the magical lightning in the original Godzilla wins. And again in the most recent movie he beats Godzilla's ass, who knows where it would have went if he didn't stop to try to drag Godzilla to the portal. But again it doesn't count because, 1. It's not him it's the glove, and 2. He didn't win.

You need to figure your weird rules out