So tell me, why did a Republican who won by like 30 points last time lose by 25

Current Events

ClayGuida posted...
Could by a myriad of things. I don't know what the district changes were between elections, what the turnout was, and so on.

I'm not trying to dismiss what happened here, it's still awesome, but I think there's more than a single explanation.

Lands primarily campaigned on reproductive rights and pro-IVF, she talked about how the #1 issue overwhelmingly she heard about from people she talked to was about reproductive rights.

It's a very common theme I've heard from Dem state/federal candidates in purple/red states as well.

There is also something I've noticed of many districts with people talking about not having either Dem candidates or no candidates at all talking to them about their opinions. This comes from various grassroots organizations, sometimes with state Dems coordinating, expanding presence in states such as Missouri, North Carolina, Virginia, and Georgia to name a few. I wish I could remember his name, I believe he plans on running against Blankenship in WV, was talking about how he talked to someone in a very rural Republican district at the end of the road who told him that even though they disagreed on every policy the man said he'd be voting for him because he was the first person to actually ask him.

It's anecdotal, however it is from people doing the legwork or who are candidates that end up winning their elections, who often give so much feedback on people saying how much it means to them that someone even came and talked to them.

No Dem presence in states they'd given up on as a party could be something that has legitimately been holding the party back.
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