What are things video games, shows and movies often get wrong?

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ellis123 posted...
The obscene amount of back pain one would have if you had breasts the size they are depicted in games, or that the pose in question would actually require that the person have snapped their spine in half to make it.

Back at my first job as a teenager at a movie theater, a coworker that I had a brief thing with had absolutely massive breast. Shockingly huge, I mean. To my dumb teen self, that was the hottest thing ever, so I was vocally flabbergasted when she off-hand mentioned that she was planning on getting a breast reduction surgery before she went to college in a couple years. She then very simply told me that yes, it was hot for me, but she needed a freaking back brace at 16 and didn't want to do that anymore.

Set me the fuck straight there.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.