Dragon's Dogma 2 is the definition of jumping the shark

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viewmaster_pi posted...
your complaints aren't unfounded, whether or not jumping the shark is the right term to use

i'm debating if i even want to continue playing it at all. i'm at my "what's the point" point, after realizing what it all amounts to in the end. which is many hours of walking
Yeah jumping the shark was my initial point and it kinda devolved into a general complaint. My main point was initially that the director's interview was really revealing. He clearly focused on going overboard with very select things, like various small scripted interactions that don't feel constructed. The game being poorly optimized and running poorly on decent devices is pretty telling on the fact that he never really considered who can play the game, only that he can do it given the budget and the devotion of the fans, aka jumping the shark.

He needed somebody to tell him no. I think this happens to a lot of projects that found success in a previous entry and then ruins it in an overambitious unfocused next entry
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