Publishers Worried About Supporting XBOX Moving Forward, Report Claims

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Mad-Dogg posted...
Just.....various things piling up on'em pretty much.

I can at least say that I used to be a crazy huge gears of war fan but gears 4 and 5 just hasn't clicked with me as much as those did. I think halo fans is sort of in the same boat with most liking 3 when it comes to MP and the rest of the halos not quite hitting that high note for them. I think forza is ok, but microsoft haven't been really doing anything with the IPs they have in comparison to nintendo and their stuff and sony with their IPs like last of us, horizon, god of war, ratchet and clank, the deals they have for marvel games like spider-man/upcoming wolverine etc. Like with all the money they poses where has a new fable game been?.....aside from getting cancelled. Things like that.

Another thing that probably isn't a major issue but is something that definitely effects a gamer like me is that the xbox just keeps missing out on those random smaller releases. I'm talking things like star ocean 2 R. Something like this comes enough of a habit to the point where people just get it ingrained into their head to stick with either a playstation or a nintendo console for these types of releases.

It just isn't the same like it was with the first few years of the 360's life when they were locking down 3rd party releases, pushing out IPs and actually had a string of real good indie or older console game releases going on xbox live arcade.

I get what you mean. I don't look at xbox as the console with JRPGs so I always see it as the console that sticks to 'realistic bland graphics' type of games and just anything that would be most enjoyed by American gamers like FPS and Racing games or the next Madden. Most people I know who DO own a Series mostly use it for that anyway.
I am that Naruto crap.