It's kinda weird how fitness is obsessed with scientific research, right

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C_Pain posted...
I usually do 1-2 compound at the start and then 3 isolation exercises. Is that reasonable? Compound are more winding so I can't do that many.

That's pretty much how most programs go, yep.

Also, do y'all think the type of split matters? I used to do PPL but now I just upper and lower days.

I honestly think the only way of choosing one split over another depends on how many days you can reasonably train.

If you can do 6 days a week, PPL makes sense.
If you can do 4 days a week, upper/lower makes sense.
If you can do 3 days a week, full body makes sense.

You're basically trying to condense as much work as possible into however much time you have.

Bro splits have had a bit of a renaissance lately, although having an entire day dedicated to arms seems a bit silly, especially if you're dedicating just as much time to legs or back.
CE's Resident Scotsman.