It's kinda weird how fitness is obsessed with scientific research, right

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I think it has a lot to do with the fact that the "average" person can reach peak physical performance in something like weightlifting if they stick to a strict, science base regimen.

Whereas, no matter how much research you do, so matter how many formulas and numbers you crunch, the "average" person either can or can't hit a baseball at an elite level.

I just think of myself. If I had the time and the means, I could turn myself into the physical peak of what someone my age could be. Good enough to rival anyone my age. Simply because the only thing holding me back is actually doing it.

But no level of training and scientific research will make me an MLB caliber baseball player, simply based on my physical limitations at 46 years old. So instead I'm just a pickup/beer league player.
It takes zero effort to be a good person.