ugh, this thing with the girl I like at work, I over thought it and it backfired

Current Events

So my coworker invited two of us guys to the bar yesterday for today. I didn't want anyone else going so I was like 3 of us is good, and he said I'm going to ask the front department (hers) if they want to go. I didn't want them to go and I was hoping he wouldn't ask and he didn't. Then I was like they're gonna find out we didn't invite them, so I then asked her myself if she wanted to go and she said just text me tomorrow and let me know when you're going. So now we just had to ask the rest of her team.

So today I asked my coworker if we should ask the front department and he was like if you want to and I was all . I shouldn't have asked her then. So I asked her team they're welcome to join and then I texted her where we're gonna be at. She responded back saying she couldn't make it and I was a little relieved. I texted back no worries. Then she responded back asking if we would be down to go with her and her friends out tomorrow and I was just like uggggggghhh. I said yes and I told her my coworkers said yes too. I would have rather been at home these days but I learned that if you say no to invites like this you don't get taken into consideration anymore.