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Classic-style JRPGs should just be called Turn Based Adventures

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Current Events » Classic-style JRPGs should just be called Turn Based Adventures
Where is the role playing? Set story, set decisions, set characters.

Not hating, as I am playing (and enjoying) Sea of Stars right now.
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
Post #2 was unavailable or deleted.
and CRPGs should be called "canned role playing games" because they only allow you an illusion of choice following set responses along predetermined story beats
ArsGoetia posted...
and CRPGs should be called "canned role playing games" because they only allow you an illusion of choice following set responses along predetermined story beats
That is not necessarily true. Also, at the very least you can heavily customize your character
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
That is not necessarily true. Also, at the very least you can heavily customize your character

minecraft is a hella deep rpg then
Super Mario Bros is an RPG because you play the role of Mario!
Without truth, there is nothing.
Well, if anyone wants to give intelligent responses about what does and does not constitute an RPG, I am very willing to listen. The definition is not very clear but it just seems that the classic style Japanese games don't fit it no matter what. Happy to be proven wrong. And also once again, I am not hating
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
Hmm, what role should my characters play in this game? Healer? Damage dealer?
really early RPGs like Ultima, Wizardry, and Might and Magic were a lot of dungeon crawling with blank slate PCs much like many tabletop games at the time. As the genre morphed into dragon warrior and final fantasy and the like, the namesake stuck around. But, you're mostly right.
Remember that I won't rest, 'til we share the same tense
Just know, to me, you're better late than never again.
philsov posted...
really early RPGs like Ultima, Wizardry, and Might and Magic were a lot of dungeon crawling with blank slate PCs much like many tabletop games at the time. As the genre morphed into dragon warrior and final fantasy and the like, the namesake stuck around. But, you're mostly right.
Yeah, this is my take on it. I have been around since the beginning for all of this, and I think the names just kind of stuck. The original Final Fantasy was one of my absolute favorite NES games at the time. And Phantasy Star 2
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
The lines between RPGs and adventure games can be very arbitrary, especially when taking into account Western versus action versus computer versus Japanese, etc. I know which games are RPG versus adventure, but that is only because of years of being accustomed to it and knowing what fits where. Try explaining the differences to someone unfamiliar, like when my wife asked me the other day the difference between an RPG and adventure game, and it is impossible to explain without a bunch of tangents.
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
Yeah, this is my take on it. I have been around since the beginning for all of this, and I think the names just kind of stuck. The original Final Fantasy was one of my absolute favorite NES games at the time. And Phantasy Star 2

I just want to say it's nice seeing someone name a Phantasy Star besides 4 which is usually the default favorite. I mean I get why but it is just a nice change of pace. My favorite is 3. I just love the whole generation aspect and it changing on who you marry but you keep your two cyborgs with you. I loved that game.

Also loved Final Fantasy from the start. I still remember the first game on NES near the end of my 8th grade year in school. A couple good friends of mine and I played the hell out of it that summer of 1990 between 8th and 9th grade.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
archizzy posted...
I just want to say it's nice seeing someone name a Phantasy Star besides 4 which is usually the default favorite. I mean I get why but it is just a nice change of pace. My favorite is 3. I just love the whole generation aspect and it changing on who you marry but you keep your two cyborgs with you. I loved that game.
I loved all 4 of the original ones. Only issue with 3 was how damn slow they walk.

Also loved Final Fantasy from the start. I still remember the first game on NES near the end of my 8th grade year in school. A couple good friends of mine and I played the hell out of it that summer of 1990 between 8th and 9th grade.
Gotta ask, how old are you? I'm 47, as of today actually
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
I loved all 4 of the original ones. Only issue with 3 was how damn slow they walk.

Gotta ask, how old are you? I'm 47, as of today actually

I turn 48 in less than a month. And Happy Birthday man. Enjoy.
PSN ID: sled_dogs76
60" Pioneer Kuro Elite PRO151FD, Yamaha RX-V3900 A/V Receiver, Oppo DV983-H player. Coming soon: 2 Seaton Submersives from Mark Seaton
Post #15 was unavailable or deleted.
ImAMarvel posted...
What!? It's bsp's birthday??

Happy birthday, man!
Lol, thanks!

More excited about moving into the house on Saturday. And also picking up Unicorn Overlord for my wife tomorrow
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
Well, if anyone wants to give intelligent responses about what does and does not constitute an RPG

you can disagree if you want, but i wasn't kidding. what is the ultimate goal of roleplaying beyond freedom and immersion? minecraft offers both in spades. you have no set goal and can do literally whatever you want, be whatever you want. that village? raze it, pillage it, make it a homestead, setup a complex trade route along which you cultivate resources and never engage in active combat, turn it into a fortress and sic a platoon of iron golems on the neighboring pillager settlement, ignore it entirely . it's completely up to you to tell the story you want to tell and have the experience you want to have

i genuinely dislike the notion that "RPG" means "pick between a handful of prewritten dialogue responses (of which may or may not fit the RP youre trying to adhere to) to ultimately arrive at a predetermined conclusion (that very rarely has genuine impact on the overarching narrative of the game), according to a generally preset story role that invariably includes the player character in a grand narrative (they may or may not want to be involved in)"

like everyone's high on BG3 atm, but i literally hate that it starts you off (narratively speaking) with a literal life-or-death imperative quest and any sidetracking would seem (narratively speaking) detrimental to your player character

people think i'm joking when i say i preferred FFXIV 1.0, but how many mainstream MMORPGs allow you to progress the entire game as nothing but a crafting/gathering class? FFXIV1.0 did, and besides EVE, the most recent mainstream title that did so before that was what? SWG?

idk i just feel like there's beauty and unexplored depth in the minutiae of being something other than destined world savior, and i genuinely do not feel that "WRPGs" offer anything more than mostly meaningless dialogue responses and a generally shitty character creator over "JRPGs"

I largely agree, but the name I came up with is Interactive Adventure Stories.

I started with JRPGs, then fell in love with Morrowind and later Fallout: New Vegas and immersive sims like Deus Ex around a similar time. After playing New Vegas and the sims, I was very soured on JRPGs and came to the same conclusions you have. I kept looking for more of that meaningful choices and multiple ways to handle things New Vegas did so well, but basically everything fell short of New Vegas.

But as I grew older and had less and less time to play, I started to find the choice in CRPGs and to a lesser extent WRPGs at least somewhat paralyzing, and started preferring the simplicity and linearity of JRPGs more and more. It was really davidvinc on YouTube who really got me nostalgic for the JRPG genre, so I credit him and his top 10s that just randomly started autoplaying for me one day with getting me back into them.

I still play both, and I still love both. But JRPGs are not RPGs.
ArsGoetia posted...
you can disagree if you want, but i wasn't kidding. what is the ultimate goal of roleplaying beyond freedom and immersion? minecraft offers both in spades. you have no set goal and can do literally whatever you want, be whatever you want. that village? raze it, pillage it, make it a homestead, setup a complex trade route along which you cultivate resources and never engage in active combat, turn it into a fortress and sic a platoon of iron golems on the neighboring pillager settlement, ignore it entirely . it's completely up to you to tell the story you want to tell and have the experience you want to have

i genuinely dislike the notion that "RPG" means "pick between a handful of prewritten dialogue responses (of which may or may not fit the RP youre trying to adhere to) to ultimately arrive at a predetermined conclusion (that very rarely has genuine impact on the overarching narrative of the game), according to a generally preset story role that invariably includes the player character in a grand narrative (they may or may not want to be involved in)"

like everyone's high on BG3 atm, but i literally hate that it starts you off (narratively speaking) with a literal life-or-death imperative quest and any sidetracking would seem (narratively speaking) detrimental to your player character

people think i'm joking when i say i preferred FFXIV 1.0, but how many mainstream MMORPGs allow you to progress the entire game as nothing but a crafting/gathering class? FFXIV1.0 did, and besides EVE, the most recent mainstream title that did so before that was what? SWG?

idk i just feel like there's beauty and unexplored depth in the minutiae of being something other than destined world savior, and i genuinely do not feel that "WRPGs" offer anything more than mostly meaningless dialogue responses and a generally shitty character creator over "JRPGs"
Okay, this is well thought out opinion. Yes, I thought you were being a smartass with the Minecraft comment but I get the point.

I loved Baldur's Gate 3 btw, but there is of course a certain progression. It's not completely free, but there are a lot of endings and a lot of different ways to accomplish many quests and goals. Most JRPGs don't even offer that.
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
There is a difference between role playing, and choose your own adventure.

Role playing you often make a character or role and play out the story your dungeon master planned out.

With chose your own adventure you decide the path you take through the planned out story.

They often mix together, but can be separate things. Like role playing in the bed room you may dress as a French maid, but you usually just end up having sex, not cleaning.

I could be mistaken obviously, and if so I apologize.
Post #21 was unavailable or deleted.
Mistere_Man posted...
There is a difference between role playing, and choose your own adventure.

Role playing you often make a character or role and play out the story your dungeon master planned out.

With chose your own adventure you decide the path you take through the planned out story.

They often mix together, but can be separate things. Like role playing in the bed room you may dress as a French maid, but you usually just end up having sex, not cleaning.

I could be mistaken obviously, and if so I apologize.

this is exactly how i feel
video game "RPGs" are mostly just CYOA rather than real RP
not that it's a bad thing, but it's generally not as deep as people make it out to be
Mistere_Man posted...
They often mix together, but can be separate things. Like role playing in the bed room you may dress as a French maid, but you usually just end up having sex, not cleaning.
Awesome. She usually wants to be someone who is punished

PraetorXyn posted...
But as I grew older and had less and less time to play, I started to find the choice in CRPGs at least somewhat paralyzing
My 17yo daughter gets like this. I just tell her to relax and enjoy. She is actually playing BG3 now
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
Awesome. She usually wants to be someone who is punished

My 17yo daughter gets like this. I just tell her to relax and enjoy. She is actually playing BG3 now
I'm also an OCD completionist, so if I"m going to have to do multiple playthroughs to do everything if there's choice, and no choices means one playthrough will do the job, that's a big part of it.

But basically the worst thing a game can do to me is ask me to name an animal companion or something when the name will be permanent and I can't change it later.

Character creators / names being permanent are a huge pet peeve of mine. Like... just let me pick a preset and make up a name so I can get the goddamn game going, and then later let me revisit the character creator and put in a better name and get obsessive with it.
bsp77 posted...
Awesome. She usually wants to be someone who is punished

Anyone here played Sea of Stars? It actually mitigates a lot of my complaints about turn based JRPGs. There are a lot less regular enemies, but they all hit hard. Timed button presses are crucial to playing well. And your MP is limited but goes back up when making regular attacks. As a result, you don't just mind numbingly choose "attack" over and over in regular battles. You still need to think, stay alert, and use magic.
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
Anyone here played Sea of Stars? It actually mitigates a lot of my complaints about turn based JRPGs. There are a lot less regular enemies, but they all hit hard. Timed button presses are crucial to playing well. And your MP is limited but goes back up when making regular attacks. As a result, you don't just mind numbingly choose "attack" over and over in regular battles. You still need to think, stay alert, and use magic.
Yeah. It was fun. Basically everyone says Chained Echoes is better, but I havent gotten to it yet.

I would not have suggested playing it without playing The Messenger first, though. Youll miss out on a lot. The Messenger is also a better game period IMO.
PraetorXyn posted...
Yeah. It was fun. Basically everyone says Chained Echoes is better, but I havent gotten to it yet.

I would not have suggested playing it without playing The Messenger first, though. Youll miss out on a lot. The Messenger is also a better game period IMO.
I finished The Messenger last week
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
Hypnospace posted...
You're playing Sea of Stars, a game that was heavily criticized for having no actual customization. Compare this to FF6 where you can choose what weapons to equip, a wide range of relics that affect how a character deals damage, the Esper system which affects what magic they can cast, etc.
Reread my first post. This thread is about the semantics of calling them RPGs. I never said anything negative.
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
I finished The Messenger last week
Good deal. Thats such a well designed game. I also thought Sea of Stars music was a big step down, but hearing remixes of the few The Messenger tracks they reused was the highlight.
PraetorXyn posted...
Good deal. Thats such a well designed game. I also thought Sea of Stars music was a big step down, but hearing remixes of the few The Messenger tracks they reused was the highlight.
Yeah, the music in The Messenger was killer
Currently playing: Sea of Stars
bsp77 posted...
Yeah, the music in The Messenger was killer
I bought the soundtrack on Bandcamp lol.
Post #34 was unavailable or deleted.
Oh is this a argument about the RPG label? At this point RPG just really means games that are designed around leveling up that focuses on inventory and numerical stat points. The term role playing is a misnomer. SRPGs/TRPGs are even less roleplaying any individual character yet they still have that term.

I do think using the actual gameplay mechanics for combat like turn-based/action/linear/open are better identifiers than region.
PraetorXyn posted...
But basically the worst thing a game can do to me is ask me to name an animal companion or something when the name will be permanent and I can't change it later.

Character creators / names being permanent are a huge pet peeve of mine. Like... just let me pick a preset and make up a name so I can get the goddamn game going, and then later let me revisit the character creator and put in a better name and get obsessive with it.
You know, I hate having to pick a name and create a character and all that jazz only to be forced to do something I don't actually want to do. It makes it feel that much more personal when something like that happens. It's why I appreciate when making my own characters in the older games you actually can get around things if you wanted.

For instance, when I play Wizardry 8 I go out of my way to either ally with the T'rang or foster the alliance between the T'rang or Umpani. I never side with the Umpani or betray both sides. That's just how I roll.

( of course I cheat the Rapax Templar quest, too, because I don't want to sleep with Al Sedexus. Getting around that requires a bit of foresight on the player's part, but it IS very doable )
I will rule the world, and find that truly good cup of coffee.
ArsGoetia posted...
you can disagree if you want, but i wasn't kidding. what is the ultimate goal of roleplaying beyond freedom and immersion?

I mean there has to be a line drawn somewhere, otherwise you don't have any story at all. You just have a sandbox. Which is fine if you like sandboxes, but the appeal of something more structured is reactivity.

You can go into a sandbox and blow up an enemy fortress. But then it's on you to decide how the enemies respond. Do they surrender? Do they retreat? Did ignoring them doom a local village to oppression under them?

If you have to make up the consequences to your own actions you aren't really playing a game, but doing a creative writing exercise. >_>

ArsGoetia posted...
i genuinely dislike the notion that "RPG" means "pick between a handful of prewritten dialogue responses (of which may or may not fit the RP youre trying to adhere to) to ultimately arrive at a predetermined conclusion (that very rarely has genuine impact on the overarching narrative of the game), according to a generally preset story role that invariably includes the player character in a grand narrative (they may or may not want to be involved in)"

this doesn't even make sense as a criticism lol. "they may or may not want to be involved in"? If you don't want to be involved in the plot then why are you playing the game? Why are you going to buy a game about destroying magic nazis and then criticize it for railroading you into fighting magic nazis instead of fucking off to some podunk to be a cobbler? >_> It seems like you're looking for life sims rather than anything actually story-based. <_<

Even in a pen-and-paper setting the worldbuilding is going to be limited to what your game master can think up. If you're dead set on being a black smith and not giving a shit about fighting Necromancer Nate the Undead Lord, but your game master has fuck all ideas on how to run a campaign about smithing, you're going to have awkward sessions >_>
Lusa Cfaad Taydr
Kim_Seong-a posted...
I mean there has to be a line drawn somewhere, otherwise you don't have any story at all. You just have a sandbox. Which is fine if you like sandboxes, but the appeal of something more structured is reactivity.

You can go into a sandbox and blow up an enemy fortress. But then it's on you to decide how the enemies respond. Do they surrender? Do they retreat? Did ignoring them doom a local village to oppression under them?

If you have to make up the consequences to your own actions you aren't really playing a game, but doing a creative writing exercise. >_>

this doesn't even make sense as a criticism lol. "they may or may not want to be involved in"? If you don't want to be involved in the plot then why are you playing the game? Why are you going to buy a game about destroying magic nazis and then criticize it for railroading you into fighting magic nazis instead of fucking off to some podunk to be a cobbler? >_> It seems like you're looking for life sims rather than anything actually story-based. <_<

Even in a pen-and-paper setting the worldbuilding is going to be limited to what your game master can think up. If you're dead set on being a black smith and not giving a shit about fighting Necromancer Nate the Undead Lord, but your game master has fuck all ideas on how to run a campaign about smithing, you're going to have awkward sessions >_>

if you genuinely feel that RP is limited to what a D&D gamemaster can think up on the fly you don't RP, and it's why i genuinely prefer more low-key RP settings like MMOs or survival games, because they have a more level playing field with open-ended opportunities to engage with the setting that don't require an exhaustive case of main character syndrome
plenty of RPGs dont immediately railroad you into the main plot during the literal opening sequence of the game.
as much as people talk shit about skyrim and despite its opening sequence (that doesn't definitely narratively lock you into anything beyond "dragons exists and i saw them at helgen" ) you can at the very least go through the majority of its content without ever becoming the dragonborn or engaging in world-savior narrative tripe

Why are you going to buy a game about destroying magic nazis and then criticize it for railroading you into fighting magic nazis instead of fucking off to some podunk to be a cobbler

same fuckin shit can be said about JRPGs, you're just spending more time clicking hammy prewritten dialogue rather than mashing the attack command
Current Events » Classic-style JRPGs should just be called Turn Based Adventures