Does anybody else not get Dune?

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Gobstoppers12 posted...
I "get it," but it loses me with its mumbo jumbo world building in the first movie. Took me and my gf 3 tries to watch the whole thing, picking up where we left off each time.

It was just very, very dense with jargon and exposition. Most of it felt hokey to me. I give the franchise credit for being an early success in the space epic genre, but boy did some of those concepts age with questionable grace in the mean time.
I prefer the lynch version. It's was very hard to fit all that in a 2 hour movie but it does it. It has the navigators etc. Which was the whole purpose for the spice( expanding the empire). Taking that out you are left with why are they fighting over all this?
I was born when she kissed me. I died when she left me. I lived a few weeks while she loved me-