Crunchyroll testing AI for subtitling

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mario2000 posted...
Well, that depends. Are we merely translating, or localizing , which is the actual process involved when it comes to foreign media?
How many good localizations are there in anime? The only one I can specifically think of was in a dub (High School of the Dead) and admittedly, the jokes wouldve seemed out of place if theyd appeared as subtitles.
Again, Im not saying no human translators should be involved, but that AI could do the base translation and have humans handle the nuanced parts.

I do think that a lot bits that only work in Japanese almost never work when trying to be adapted to English, at least from why Ive seen. I feel like you always get some weird stretch they never works well (at least for comedy) or you have a lengthy explanation that you cant read before it disappears. I liked scanlators and Del Rey whod have a note on the side or the back respectively explaining the joke or reference.