Crunchyroll testing AI for subtitling

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Translator's note:

In the intricate world of chess, where strategy and tactics intertwine, **making an illegal move** can happen for various reasons. Let's explore some of them:

1. **Accidental Oversight**: Often, players unintentionally make illegal moves due to oversight or lack of awareness. Perhaps they didn't realize their king was in check or misunderstood a piece's allowed movements.

2. **Pressure and Nerves**: In high-stakes games, nerves can play tricks on even the most seasoned players. The pressure to perform well might lead to hasty decisions, resulting in an inadvertent illegal move.

3. **Complexity of Rules**: Chess has a plethora of rules governing piece movements, castling, en passant captures, and pawn promotion. Amidst this complexity, players might inadvertently violate a rule.

4. **Psychological Tactics**: Some players intentionally make illegal moves as a psychological ploy. They hope to confuse or distract their opponent, disrupting their focus and rhythm.

5. **Desperation**: When faced with a losing position, a player might resort to an illegal move out of desperation. They hope their opponent won't notice, or perhaps they're banking on insufficient mating material to salvage a draw.

Remember, the consequences of an illegal move vary:
- **First Offense**: The opponent gains extra time (two minutes in standard games, one minute in blitz).
- **Second Offense**: The player loses the game.
- **Insufficient Mating Material**: If the opponent lacks enough pieces to checkmate, the game is drawn.

So, whether accidental or strategic, illegal moves add an intriguing layer to the chess battlefield.

It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."